I chose Daniele R.'s leaf nails submission. I was really impressed with her creativity! And we all know what a sucker I am for creativity! She made the ends of her nails come to a point like the tip of leaf would. And she also got creative in the fact that she used MAC Aqualine Liquidlast Eyeliner to draw the veins of the leaves on! She used CG emerald sparkle for the base. Daniele, please check your email and respond back to me so I may send you your basket of goodies. Thank you for your entry!
Here is your prize pack Daniele!
I'm sure you all are wondering which was the other design that I was struggling with, so I am going to post pics of that one as well. Dreamka's creativity really blew me away when she sent in this design. I thought it was totally clever!

How cute and clever was that? Dreamka designed her nails after my blog background! Dreamka, please check your email too! I am going to send you a little prize pack as well!
THANK YOU, all of you who entered! I was going to post some of the other nail entries up, but I would have ended up posting up all the entries I got! Really and honestly, they were all really good!
wow, the winner nails are AWESOME I love it!
WOW those are very cool, and the 2nd place is very cool too! congrats to the winners
Good job, Ladies! Congrats to the winners! :)
Ooh, I really like that! It also reminds me of a peace sign! :)
I love your design Dreamka. It's very creative and you put in some work. Obviously!
Wow! I would never thought of a leaf pattern, very original! Dreamka's design is very cool too. Very similar to your site.
Congrats to both!
Those are freaking awesome! Grats Daniele R. :)
Nice work ladies. Very interesting design with the leaves. Very cute and hard doing a manicure of your blog. Great job ladies!
This is soo much fun :-) Congrats to winners, gorgeous nails!
These manicures look amazing!
Congrats to the winners! Those designs look amazing!
Wow, thank you guys so much! I woke up today with a bad cold, but when I saw that I had won this contest (against fierce competition no less)I felt so much better. Thank you thank you thank you. :)
Wow those designs rock! I'm definitely going to enter again nest time :D
congrats to the winners
congratulations to the winners, very cute designs.
Interesting content.
Just wanted to share some information that may help busy professionals caught up with work and who have less time to maintain their nails. You can try out gel nails which are now becoming a hot favorite as they are natural looking even without nail tips and the best way for nail enhancement. Also, if you are allergic to those strong smelling chemicals which you can experience with acrylic nails, then you should use gel nails as these are odorless.
However, when you are planning on gel nail application, make sure you approach a nail salon or a nail artist who is well versed with gel nails and is properly trained and mastered in gel applications. This will save you from problems that can arise with improper gel nail applications.
i just found your blog and I love it girl!
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