Tuesday, June 30, 2009


This is the second of my un-showns. This is just some swatches of a Finger Paints nail polish I picked up a while ago from Sally's. I am not usually a "peach" person, but after Mac's peach was posted all over the blogosphere, I had kinda been wanting one. I believe this cost around $4.50 from Sally's with my discount card. While this is a pretty color, I don't really know that I like it on me, plus I don't think it resembles the Mac color that originally made me want a peach colored polish in the first place. I might have to wear this all day and see if it grows on me or not.


Helen said...

It's more orangey/coral than MAC I think. Nice shade but not one I'd choose. I do think you can pull it off though.

Anonymous said...

I agree that it looks more orangey. In the more shaded light it looks a lot like FP Tangerine Tint, which I have.

Violet LeBeaux said...

It is sweet, but I think I'd like it more if it were a bit glittery or maybe with a konad to decorate it. I think the colour looks like on you though!

Lucy said...

I like this color but it doesn't look like Mac's peach. The other was like peaches and cream. That color does look more orange. I still like it on you. I'm sure you can fix this up nicely with some art work or Konad. Have a good weekend.

Rai said...

I agree, it's more orange.
It's a lovely color though.

Brooke said...

HELEN - I think that's what I don't like - too much orange in this one.

NOSABY - Agreed! This is too orange!

VIOLET - I def. need to franken this to the right shade of peach I want.

LUCY - Thanks! You too!

RAI - Ehhh, I'm not feeling it. I think I need to franken this baby!

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