Last night I took a stab at doing those Nautical themed Sailor nails I have been wanting to do. Needless to say, I'm not happy with how my first attempt came out. While they look "ok" in the pictures, they really were looking quite junky in real life.
First off, the white I used I had to do FOUR coats to make it look good - and to that I still had to add the blue tips. It was just too thick. Then I think I should have painted a red stripe before adding the red jewels. And I wasn't happy with the placement of the little gold balls. And since it was so thick, nothing was really dry yet, so I had problems of pushing jewels in to soft nail polish to far, and a couple "fell" onto the nail and I had a hard time moving them. And then to top it all off, the seche made the blue from the tips bleed onto the brush, so I ended up smearing blue on the white part.
Since I could already see this was headed for disaster, I didn't even attempt the gold anchor with the bouillons, I just use a gold glitter nail art pen. I did salvage most of my red jewels for my second attempt. I thought I would share the results of my first attempt.

Next time I will:
1. Find a better white polish that I can use 2 coats of instead of four.
2. Use french mani guides, and make my lines more oval shaped.
3. Paint a strip of red for my jewels to sit on.
4. Let the base coats all dry before attempting to place my jewels.
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waow ! you're very talented Brooke !
Ohhh, I feel so dumb. I had been wondering where you had gotten the inspiration for manicure because you seemed so adamant about doing it. Then I realized you had done a post earlier about this. Anyway, I like the results!
I usually don't like 3D stuff on nails, but I really like this look!
Awww…well the “disastrous” results look pretty darn cute to me!!! With your talent I’m sure you’ll have it perfect in no time
Well if this was your first attempt, I can't wait to see the official one. lol
It looks cute! =D I want my nails done like that.
OMG! You should do dominoes nails.
If that's disaster.... i wouldn't do my own freehand nail art. that will be a bigger mess!
OPI's Alpine Snow is a good white - shiny and opaque.
Don't beat yourself up toooo much - I think it looks pretty good. Ship ahoy!
CELINE - Thanks :)
ADOREPINK - lol! I bet you were really curious then about tha mani I was going on and on about then, lol.
GRACE - Thank you. The jewels and stuff are so tiny they really hardly stick out at all, they look really big in the pics though.
STEPHANIEANN- I think these look better in the pictures, last night it was really just awful.
RAI - I will have to see if I can come up with some domino nails - just for you!
JHOANNZ - lol - these really looked worse in real life!
I like those blue tips on the white. Cute! Rescue Beauty Lounge has a good white called Underwear. I'm sure you wouldn't need more than 2 coats.
Ah that sucks :( I bet next time will be awesome though! I have the same trouble with placing jewels, I usual try to d it when the polish is a little bit tacky so the jewels have extra hold. But that's only because I wear mine for at least a week.
Good luck next time!
It's beautiful! Even if it was a pain in the butt.
What did you use to stick the jewel? Usually I use top coat but I think nail glue will hold it better, usually for the gold bouillons :)
Anyway, if you don't mind, please visit my blog at
I've just started :)
Thanks :D
Matey, those nails look really excellent. I think you have an immense talent for nail art and design. Your nails look amazing and not at all how you describe. I don't see the bleeding of the blue into the white. Keep up the wonderful work. I can't wait to see what you'll come up with next.
That turned out great! You have some serious talent going on! I love the little glitter anchor.
You are too hard on yourself, Brooke! Everything looks great! I don't see any streaks at all.
wow! Thats wayy better then I could ever do!
You did a good job there and it turned out really nice ! I think next time maybe you should apply more red between the blue and the white, like you wrote, and maybe try to put two rows of red rhinestones :-)
Wow! Great job! This turned out sooo beautiful! I love the sailor look, kind of old school, very nice!
i'll trust your judgment and believe you that it was terrible but the pictures don't lie! your mani looks HOT!!! I've slowly been getting into 3d nail art and this one is so cool and classy! would you mind posting links to where you got the gold and red decorations???
Definately not a bad attempt! I can't wait to see more!
my goodness - this is a great job. I think your freehand anchor looks great. The SH Insta Dri in white will probably be your best bet.
I love all those teeny-tiny little beads you put in there too, this must have taken a long time to do!
there's not alot of people out there who could even do anything close to this.
I love it. I think you did awesome job on this one, When i sow it on the picture, i think that this is nothing special, but on your nails it looks gorgeous.
DEE - Thanks! I think I have a fast dry white that I will try next time. I love the name of that one "underwear" - lol!
VIOLET - I usually like to do mine too when it is just a little bit tacky - but since it is a "set" place that the jewels have to go I think I might do better to let them dry first.
VELVET - Thank yoU!
MEEVIA - I will just use top coat. Thanks - I added you to the new blogs on the block post today.
LUCY - The bleeding of the blue to the white didn't show up in the pictures as obvious as it was in real life. Thank you though :)
MARY - Thank you, hopefully I will be able to perfect it a little bit better next time.
NESSA - Thank you, the pictures made it look better than it was, but thank you :)
NATALIE - Thanks :)
TULI - I think I will paint a red stripe using China Glaze Ruby Slippers.
ALEXLYNDRA - Thank you!
LENA - Thanks. The red jewels were a gift to me from a friend in Japan, and I think she just got them from a dollar store that they have there. I got the gold jewels from ebay. You can just do a search for "nail art" and you will find a ton of stuff. A couple of posts back though I do have the actaul link up to where I got these gold nail arts though.
LAINE - Thank you so much :)
DEEZ NAILZ - Thank you so much girl! I think I do have a SH insta dri in white, I will give that one a shot! ;)
LISA - Thank you so much!
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