Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Hot Summer Pink is one of the Diamond Cosmetics 2009 Summer Collection polishes that immediately stood out to me and called me by name! BROOKE - YOU MUST PUT ME ON NOW! Who am I to deny the call of the polish?

I LOVE this color! It is a hot, bright pink that has tons of purple/silver shimmer to it. I love it, love it, love it! I used three coats and all applied pretty nice. I think the formula was a little on the thick side, but that is an easy fix with nail polish thinner. As I said before I have a full review of this brand coming up, but I just loved this color and wanted to share some pics of it!

Purdy - ain't she? You can get Diamond Cosmetics by CLICKING HERE!


Helen said...

Loving that blue-y shimmer - hot yet cool!

Brooke said...

HELEN - Thanks, I really liked it too.

Nina said...

this color looks really cute on you :)

Olivia C. said...

I really like this. It's very pink but also perfect for summer!!! :)

Lucy said...

It is so purdy that I can't stand it. Gotta get me some!

sweet_little_angel said...

That pink is awesome! And the Diamond colours are so bright and colourful. The glow and the dark ones look pretty interesting!

D.B. said...

I love this colour on you! It's so bright and sparkly.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty.

Unknown said...

I love this! Just ordered this one today! Can't wait to see the others!

Violet LeBeaux said...

Oh wow that's shiny, so pretty! It reminds me of the colour my Barbie Dolls used to wear XD

Skye said...

love this colour really pretty pink

Tuli said...

Ooohhh I love this color and it looks so good on you !! :-)

clockwork said...

Wow, this one is beautiful I agree with Violet very Barbie!

Brooke said...

NINA - Thanks!

OLIVIA C - Thanks, it is definatly PINK! lol


SWEET LITTLE ANGEL - The glow in the dark ones really cauht my eye too, plus I like the name of the green one "glow worm"

DB - Thank you!

NOSABY - Thanks :)

KITTY - I know you will love this one, it is really pretty! A great summer color.

VIOLET - I think this is WAY to bright for Barbie! lol

NAILZ - Thank you.

TULI - Thanks missy!

CLOCKWORK - Thanks. When I think of Barbie pink I think of a lighter pink, but youa re the second one to say it, so maybe this is a barbie pink, loL!

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