I have a little nail art for you all this morning :) I finally got this little gold kit of nail art supplies I ordered from Ebay. I was so excited about it that I wanted to use one of the nail arts on my nails last night.
I thought holographic gold would look awesome with China Glazes - Paper Chasing from their Kicks collection. So I painted three coats of Paper Chasing and then added the diamond shaped, holo gold nail arts. I really love these colors together and these look really flashy in real life - right up my alley baby!!

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That is a great prop, Brooke! Sure wish I had more of it. And I like the gold with green- both $ colors!
NESSA - LMAO at $ colors - good one! I need some more of these props myself!!
Haha, great props! And I like the nail art, they look like they were hard to apply though. Were they?
Nice nail art, green and gold look great together.
Gorgeous color! Can't believe this is still in my untried box!
AMazing color :D
The gold pieces almost look like an inlay, very pretty!
Ooh pretty. Are you doing the Precioussss slink? I would be!
I love it! It's gorgeous!
Loooove this!!
Girl your props are a trip. I like it! I like the color and the design on you as well.
that looks soooo cool! I ♥ paper-chasing, such a unique color.
ADOREPINK - Thank you. No, they were pretty easy to apply. The only problem I had was not waiting for the base color to completly dry, and when I went to place them on the nail a few dropped where I didn't want them, and since the base coat was still tacky I just had to leave them. But unless you just look really close I don't thik it is that noticable.
CELINE - Thank you!
ZAZ - It's a pretty color but a little tempermental to work with. It also has a pearl finish to it.
I HEART RED - Thank you :)
KAE - They do a little bit. I think it was because I didn't let the base coat dry all the way, so they got a little pushed into the green.
HELEN - You know it baby! I'm totally freaking everyone out with it around the office too, lol!
JENXOXO - Thank you so much ;)
RAI - I thought you might.
DENNY - My props rock, lol!! Thank you so much.
DEEZNAILZ - Thank you. Yes, it is def. a unique color.
Those are just gorgeous, Brooke - and I like that sort of "embossed" look. They're subtle and springy, very carefree. That green is great!
Now about those props...if you have no use for them after this photo shoot... ;-)
Nice new blog template, by the way!
LOVE IT Brooke!! Green and gold are always my faves!
JAMIE - LOL!! Everyone wants a peice of my props from this one - lol!! Thank you :0
LAINE - Thank you. I like this color combo too, but it does look a tad St. patty's day. . .
Very cute. I like those two together.
Wow that turned out really well! Nice work! Was it very hard to get the little foils in place?
Your nails look fabulous! I can't believe how long they've gotten. Are you still using the Barielle products? Love this look. Rock out the greenbacks!
Wow, look how beautiful you made it! That must have been a heck of a job to do!
OLIVIA - Thank you!
VIOLET - Nope, it was easy peasy!
LUCY - I know! I did have the index finger nail break and I had file it down, but no one has seemed to notice so I guess it isn't too short.
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