Tuesday, June 30, 2009


There ya go Lucy!! :)


Helen said...

Yay! She is sooo cute. I love the Dinky updates!

Anonymous said...

Just way too cute. Love the nails. I couldn't paint my Chi's nails....he chews on them.

Mary said...

She is so adorable. Look at those nails, like Mother like Daughter :)

Violet LeBeaux said...

Such a cutie <3

Violet LeBeaux said...

Such a cutie <3

Lucy said...

Hehe! How cute does she look. Thanks for the pictures Brooke. I love her nails. No Konad?

Wan said...

She's sooo cute! Love her nails! :D

Nicole said...

She's soooo cute! She just looks like she needs to be picked up and cuddled. Aww!

Anonymous said...

That little foot sticking out is killing me- sooo cute!

Nixxy said...

Awww! The foot kills me :D

clockwork said...

Dinky is such a superstar

Mad'moiselle Cé said...

So cuuute, she sleeps in a strange position LOL

Brooke said...

HELEN - I know! I need to take more pictures of the baby girl.

NOSABY - Dinky is really good about keeping her polish on.

MARY - But, of course! :)

VIOLET - Thank you x's 2!

LUCY - No problem :) Thank you.

WAN - Thanks :)

NICOLE - I know!! I need to cuddle her now!! Why can't we bring our pets to work with us???

GLITTER - I know!! She did have both of them stuck up there, but by the time I got out from under her and got my camera she only had the one footie up there.

NIXXY - Guess what was on HBO last night!!! Mr. G and Summer Heights HIGH!!

CLOCKWORK - A total super star, lol!

Deez Nailz - Canadas most fabulous hand model said...

Oh my goodness, that paw!

These photos of your dog are adorable. Too cute!

rockymtmama said...

thanks for posting Dinky pix! She's so darn cute...and now my daughters insist on checking up on her with "awwww"s and "squeeee"s over my shoulder -had to follow the "Dinky" label link so they could see ALL the pics.

Phyrra said...

Love it!
We painted my doggie's nails with Color Club Electro Candy :)
Before that, she had Finger Paints Studio Ruby-O.

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