- I have updated the post with the colors that I used for my really bright mani, so if you wanted to know what colors I used, check it out.
- Just a reminder that this will be my Friday off week, so no new posts from Friday to Sunday, but as usual I will be back to the grind on Monday.
- Next week I will have another installment of Getting To Know . . . featuring none other than Steph of Nail Juice!
- I also thought I would share a few pictures of my sister's new puppy. She is a 3 month old Shi Tzu named Sassy. I think she looks like a bobble head doll, lol. And for those wondering, NO Dinky doesn't want anything to do with her! lol
Mary - I know YOU are gonna love these pics!

Lastly, I just wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU to all that left messages for my son! I only got a chance to read a few of them to him last night, but I will get the rest read to him tonight. He really enjoys hearing all the comments so I appreciate all of you who took time to make my son so very happy - I love you all dearly for that :)
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Awww the dog is soooooooo cute!!!!!
You enjoy your weekend, Brooke! I adore your sister's puppy :) I have 2 German Shepherds but always wanted a little lap dog. Last July I found a 5 yr. old Shih Tsu at the Humane Society (the one that bit me!) but I absolutely love him and I'd get another Shih Tsu if anything happens to him...much to my husband's dismay!
awww i want a puppy sooo sooo badddd!!! lucky. have a nice weekend :)
Have a great weekend!
That little guy is soooo cute - I did the aww thing when I saw her, completely darling. I'm off to catch up on your posts - I spied an atomic color I have to see!
How adorable. I want one! How is your pregnant sister doing? Did you watch the REUNION? Whew, can't wait for part two on Thursday.
Yay - cute son, cute dog. Awww.
Now, where are the cute cats hiding? ;)
What a little cutie Sassy is! Between her, Dinky, and Little, you've got to me going into sugar overload over there!
OMG she's adorable!!...I LOVE SHIH ZTU's!!! I have one his name is Armani and he's 7 years old, He's my love lol...AWWW I miss it when he was a baby!!! I need another one lol...
I must say they have the best personalities, and are very kind!! I loves dem lol...
AWWWW...so cute! I want a puppy. Have a great weekend!!
I have a Shih Tzu too that I love to bits, so I'm melting- SO CUTE!! First Dinky, now Sassy- so many cuties :)
That is such a sweetie :) beauty ...I have a Shihtzu 2
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