A few weeks ago I was contacted by a wonderful lady. Deborah works in the mission field and was trying to plan a girls night where girls ages 5-12 could come and get their nails done for free. She works with these girls through her church. She has gotten a few donations from a couple of people through her church of nail polish. Deborah has purchased a starter kit but she only has two konad plates so far. I think it is such a wonderful thing she is doing and I told her I would love to help her out any way that I can.
If any of you would like to help Deborah out by sending any (new or used) konad plates, nail polish, or any other manicure supplies she could use on the girls she would really appreciate it. I will list Deborah's email address below and you can contact her directly with any questions you might have:
This policy is valid from 07 December 2009
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What a wonderful lady ! I hope she'll receive lot of nail's products for her girls ^^
What a great idea, I hope it goes really well :D
What a unique idea! I hope everything works out great. :)
Thanks ladies, I hope she does too. SHe has promised to send pictures of the event!
Duh, of course I'd love to help. Hello!!! :) Email me with her contact info and what you think she might need. What a great cause!
Oh Jeez, just noticed you DID print her mail address.... sorry - I got so excited, I didn't read the last couple of lines!!
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