I have one last konad from last night that I did. Granted, this one is a little messy and not my best application. But I figures hey, all of my konadicures can't be masterpieces - right :P

I also used Konad Special Polish in Black not shown. HERE IS WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE:

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Unusual, but pretty. Love the color combo.
Cute, again! The tip is my favorite part.
lol I must get my hands on one of those thingmajiggies. =D
I love the colors you used...cute! You have great Konad skills!
Who likes that kind of Nail polish? I think there are people crazy about such new inventions. Nice one though
I love the color combo. Black, white & pink always look good together.
So far, Konad and I don't get along. *sigh*
Excellent combo. Looks good! My girlfriend found the Sinful Colors Tropical collection today. Still can't find the Irish Green and Green Ocean. One Walgreens sales girl said they've had the same colors for three years! Good God that is horrible.
LUCY - - - -
Contact me by email please!
brookiebaby0506 @ yahoo . com
Im soooo buying this when i get paid!!
Thank you for posting this entry, I've been looking for Konad reviews and trying to see if this item is worth the buy -- I'm dying to try it!!! THANK YOU!
NESSA - Thanks girlfriend!
RAI - Stay tuned for the BPEC!!!
AMANDA - Thank you!
BEAUTY AND CARE - Thanks ( I think?) lol :)
THE PBG - PRactice make perfect with konad. once you get it down though, you are good.
LONDYNKOUTURE - Stay tuned for the big prize ext. contest!
KIMBERLY TIA - I'm so glad my post helped! Good luck! They are tons of fun to use and the designs are endless :)
NESSA - Thanks girlfriend!
RAI - Stay tuned for the BPEC!!!
AMANDA - Thank you!
BEAUTY AND CARE - Thanks ( I think?) lol :)
THE PBG - PRactice make perfect with konad. once you get it down though, you are good.
LONDYNKOUTURE - Stay tuned for the big prize ext. contest!
KIMBERLY TIA - I'm so glad my post helped! Good luck! They are tons of fun to use and the designs are endless :)
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