Well, my little sweet baby girl is growing up! The baby Dinkster is in heat. She is almost a year old. She will be a year on Feb. 7th. I had to take her to the vet last week for a booster shot. She weighs in at 4.2 lbs, and he said she def. was in heat. For the past 2 weeks she has been hitting her bunny hard and heavy. Her "bunny" is actually a bunny I bought for the BF last Easter, and since the day Dink has laid eyes on it, it has been hers. She loves this bunny, and recently she has really "loved" this bunny is ya know what I mean. I know some of you all out there are Dinky fans, so I have included some pics of her. P.S. For any of you out there that put clothes on their dogs, both of the dresses pictured I got at Dollar Tree! Yes, only a buck each. And they are LuLu Pink brand, which is the brand Walmart carries, which these dresses from walmart cost around $6 or $7 each, so it was a real steal :)

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OMG! don't make me laugh outloud i'm at work! LOL! look at the way she is not having anybody take her bunny awaaayyyy!
Awwww love the cute dressies! Wish i could dress my girls but none of them will put up with it. Lara is the squirmiest doggy and Layla the Kitty would slash me to ribbons for sure!! Such ornery girls, they could learn a lot about being an elegant lady from Miss Dinky.
Awwww she is so cute!! Thanks for the Dinky pics :)
OLGA - Oh, shoot! That sucks that your babies don't let you dress them! I guess live vicariously through the Dinker! I will be sure to tell Dinky you think she is suck an elegant lady, she will get a kick out of that.
KATEE - No prob, you know I love to share Dink pics.
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