This idea came to me yesterday, and it played out much better in my head than it did on my nails. I wanted to paint my nails chocolatey brown and then decorate them with pastel colors to resemble brightly decorated truffles. This was not as easy as I thought it would be. Nail polish doesn't exactly drizzle like icing does. I thought about painting the drizzles on, but thought it might be too time consuming and I was worried it would look like painted lines and not drizzle. I tried shaking and tapping the drizzles on, but that didn't really work either. All in all I am not too upset with how these turned out, but would love to hear if you all have any ideas on how these might have worked a little bit better.
Also, this is falling under Valentines Day Nails since it is chocolates and that was my original idea behind this mani.
Also, it's very subtle, but some nails are milk chocolate and others are darker Swiss Chocolate.

These are the colors I used. The chocolate ones are Swiss Chocolate and Milk Chocolate. The pastels came from the Up and Away collection.
These were my inspiration pictures:

Also, while we are on the subject of chocolate, look at these chocolate shoes! I found these while looking at pictures of chocolate yesterday. These can be purchased at
Now that you've made me crave chocolate!! They look good enough to eat.
I see what you wanted with your nails. Maybe Konad would have helped?
Great idea. I hope you try it again.
I love them!
If you wanted thinner drizzles, what about making a paper cone liek they use in candy making and snipping off the tiny point and putting a few brush fulls of polish inside. squeeze and voila!
Look here to see what i mean:
u can make tiny ones!
That surely look yummy! :D I love this mani :)
OMG! Adorable, they actually look edible mmmmmmmm
Wow, that's such a cool manicure!
Hmmm, sounds like a good excuse to get the Konad image plate with the drizzly-looking design ... I don't know the number, but you've probably seen it before & maybe know what I mean =)
Oh maaan, nom nom nom! Your nails look enough to eat :D
Yummy! Is here any chocolade in our house, anywhere???
Cool chocolate shoes! I like your truffle idea! All this talk about chocolate has me craving some!
I like these, anyways :) If you wanted to try, maybe you could get a big dollop of polish on a toothpick and try drizzling that way?
I like Christy's idea of a paper cone, too!
Tasteful mani ;-)
I think they look great. Don't make me think of chocolate truffles but probably because I'm not familiar with truffles with different colors like that. I do definitely see the 'splatter'/'drizzle' affect you were going for.
Great! Now I'm hungry :-D
Love this mani, it indeed looks very chocolatey <3
I like this too!
I think these came out awesome. I'm really digging that nubar brown and I think you nailed the design on the pinky!
So delicious! Luckily I just had chocolate cake or otherwise I'd have a huge crave... but man now I want all those shoes!!
That looks yummy!
I want chocolate shoes!!!!!!!! Those are some cute shoes too LOL. I'd like to find a pair of chocolate brown shoes with pink polka dots to wear, not eat.
I feel so hungry now!
I love the brown with the pastelcolours ! And I want one of those truffels ! yumyum
Cute mani, and this might make you smile--chocolate shoes for $2!
hi! i hope you don't mind, i tried this out on myself :)
LILY - You made these look the way I was hoping mine would have turned out - wonderful job!!! Thanks for sharing the pics with me.
Damn, truly nice info. Where will I find that RSS?
Kate Karver
bug sweeper
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