I know it has been a VERY slow posting week from me so far, but sometimes I just kind of need a little break from posting. I don't want this to ever feel like it is "work" and not "for fun", so I have to take little breaks periodically.
Part of the problem is I broke a nail pretty short and I just have not felt like digging out my nail stuff to repair the nail. And until I do I can't do my regular swatching since it is on the hand that I take pictures of. But I promise to get on that tonight and be back to my regular posting at the very latest on Monday. I might have a post or two tomorrow, but I'm not promising anything. Hang in there with me ladies :)
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girl! you are in good company!
I am very out of the groove this week! it's been like pulling my own teeth to do posts! must be something in the air!
take ur time girl! your very much loved, and we will all be here when u feel like posting!
I hate breaking a nail, but I haven't broke one in months (fingers crossed!)
Sometimes it good to take a break from post, like you said you don't want this to feel like work.
Those chocolates look yummy!
Ooh that sucks .. :-(
Good luck with the repair!
Ok, now I'm hungry :-)
Don't worry :) We will be here when you get back :P
I know the feeling, Brooke. I'm kinda feeling the same way. If it weren't for all the drafted posts, I wouldn't have posted at all this week! :)
just wanted to say that i love the visual (=
I know you won't go crazy like I did 2 weeks ago. I broke one nail and chopped all the rest off. I'm very sorry I did that. I finally had long nails! Not Diana nails but they were long for me. I know somewhat of the feeling of getting tired of nails. I've gotten so behind in reading the blogs. I also feel guilty in not reading and commenting on them all. It's just impossible since there's so many. I deleted many blogs and seperated the rest into two folders. I have Nail Favorites and Nail Blogs. You of course are in the Favorites. These I always keep up with. I realize I don't have any time to play any games. I got involved with Facebook games and I'm hooked on them. I'm trying to play catch up with blogs so I can go back and play! Have a nice weekend.
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