I'm sure some of you all remember the Valentine's Day giveaway I held last year for
one dozen nail polish roses. Well, I'm bringing it back this year!! Woot!! Stay tuned for more details and pictures of this years nail polish offerings :)
***EDIT:Since so many have asked (this year and last) I will do a little tutorial as I make this years bouquet.NOTE: DO not try to enter here in this post! The contest has not started yet!!!(Please note the picture above is LAST YEARS offerings, this year will have different colors/brands!)
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Tha is soooo cute! What a great idea!
Love this idea! That's cute how you've made the polishes look like roses. Can't wait for this giveaway to star
I love this, I want to know how you made the bouquets?
Yea! Can't wait!
How Cute!!! Looking forward to the details. Glad I found your blog this time around. What a fun idea! I'm going to post it to the Facebook Nail Polish Collectors page. cute cute cute!
You are so sweet and creative Brooke! Anyone would be lucky to have you as their Valentine!
Haha that's so creative, love it!
Please teach us how to make that bouquet! I want one hahaha
I would love to get that for valentines of my boyfriend! :P
oh yes i remember this XD
how could ANYONE forget?
it was sooo freaking cool, blending the love for flowers and polish together XD
Can't wait to enter :)
What an awesome & creative gift! For the love of polish we all have!!
Thanks for doing this!
I'm going to make valentines roses for all my friends when you post the tutorial :D
How cute is that!!! Gift idea for next year!!!
What a unique idea! Between this and the cupcake ornaments, I'm thinking you're the Queen of Craftiness!
Oh I can't wait. This was such a creative thing to do with nail polish. Can't wait to see what you'll have in there.
um...THAT is the cutest thing I've ever seen.
So cute! Cant wait!
Roses are my favorite...can't wait to see your tutorial :)
So cute, this should be fun.
Awwww so cute! Can't wait!
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