Last night I just had my base coat, glitter tips and red pin stripe line. I thought it looked unfinished, but I couldn't think of anything that would go with the red and gold I used that wouldn't look too Christmasey. Then last night in bed it hit me! So this morning I stamped my nails before work, and yes this is an addiction! Anything that requires me to do anything other than get ready in the morning doesn't bode well, except nail polish I guess :)
I really, really love this mani for some reason! I keep looking down at my nails and exclaiming what a good job I did, and Oh, damn, this looks good, you know things along that nature. Ha Ha , I even made my son come in and tell me something nice about my nails, I told him it was part of his homework, lol. I took a TON of pics since I just love this one so much :)

You should be complimenting yourself, that's one FIERCE mani!
and your Little comment cracked me up!
POWER - Heheh - kids are fun to make do stuff!! Thanks so much girly :)
That is beautiful! I can picture you dressed as a Geisha Girl with that mani. Love the gold glitter, a nice touch.
EEEE!!! I love this Brooke!
Brooke, this is kapow amazing! I'm not surprised you keep on looking it, I can't seem to look away either.
Brooke, you outdid yourself again! This is SO FREAKING COOL! It all looks amazing together!
*aww* Oliver's hand! *aww* Part of Little's homework! Sooo cute!!
Man, it seems every time I come over here I start this squeeing thing. I really need to stop. I'm so glad you love Cleopatra! It looks great on you.
That is seriously kick ass! You always do some fierce manis, girl!
Love that mani! It really rocks!
and hehe... Cleopatra is really apt.
If you didn't know, that an old Chinese character for Love. Its pronounced as "ai" (aye) =)
That is so freaking cute! I love it!
That's so pretty Brooke! I love how you used those Japanese coins as props and also Oliver's hand. *aww* So cute! :)
this is really a FAB NAILS.. have a great weekend brooke..
this is really a FAB NAILS.. have a great weekend brooke..
This mani really hit me more like a Chinese New Year's! You know, with the colorful dragons, and the confetti and the glitter and everything! Love it!
By the way, thank you so much for your comment, didn't even cross my mind that anyone will even read it for the first few weeks at least! Happy to see it's different!
You are so very creative, Brooke! I love your manis! Great use of Cleopatra, and your nails look like Chinese royalty!!!!
Fantastic, beautiful, gorgeous and out of this world! I just had to laugh at you telling Little it's part of his homework!! Oliver's little fist, how sweet that is. I bet he loved it also. That manicure has to go down as one of the top ten of your Konadicure's. Love the design and the stamp. The best is the glittah. You've got to leave this manicure on for awhile.
This is the most awesome thing I have ever seen!! WOW!!! I am so impressed by this gorgeous mani. So creative!!
So pretty! I wish I could do my own awesome manis like you!!!
these are amazing!!
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