Essie has released their fall collection. I don't know about you, but I am LOVING the addition of the hot pink and orange for fall colors! My favorites are Angora Cardi and Midnight Cami - at least from this promo pic. What's yours?
Helen I already know your two faves from this collection; Chinchilly & Mink Muffs perhaps????
GET YOURS HERE!Here is what the Essie website says about this collection's inspiration source:
Optimism rocked the runways at the fall 2009 shows. Plush knits and vibrant furs in juxtaposing lazy grays and shocking brights offered a feeling of exuberance and buoyancy.
Dare you to say that three times fast!! lol
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When I first saw these, I wasn't interested. But the more I looked at them, the more I liked them. Mine will be here in 2 days :)
I'm not really interested in these Essies. They all look ''already seen''. Kind of boring I guess. But I have to say I LOVE your ''daily dose of Dinky'' - with that puppet. Adorable!
You caught me, I love Mink Muffs. And that can't possibly just be due to the name (which would send my husband into gales of laughter). ;-)
I really like that Bright Tights too. If I hadn't just ordered the new China Glaze Halloween set and Essie matte topcoat, I'd be ordering these.
But I don't think they're "must haves" with everything else out right now.
I'm pretty sure I just want the cami and angora ones. Just can't get enough blues...
I like the navy nail polish. I agree with Nhrida. That's the second time today I agreed with her! Dinky and his double. Looking adorable as usual! Some Dinky love, hooray.
I really love Chinchilly on my skin tone. Angora Cardi is a safe color and Midnight Cami is a really pretty shiny blue. I didn't keep Mink Muffs, because I already had a color that looked jsut like it ... Prince Charming from Orly's fall collex! And that was cheaper.
Midnight cami is calling to me! I guess I'm just easy to please because I think I'd get them all if I could ;p
Personally, I am sick of bright colors! I want vampy colors in fall collections, not the bright cremes that have been so popular this fall. I don't know, just my opinion! :)
Lazy greys....absolutely! You know me too well!
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