Just wanted to share with you all a few random nail polishes I have gotten. The first two were given to my sister from a girl at her work, for her to give to me. They both are color changing nail polishes.

These last three I got from the clearance bin at Sally's. They were only 99 cents each!! Look, they even had a new one, Mint Mojito!
Two of my favorite things: FREE nail polish and deeply DISCOUNTED nail polish!! :)
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Ooo! I would love to see those moodies and toma swatched!
Mint Mojito?! A dollar???!!! I got mine for $2.99 on clearance! You are a lucky girl.
I want to see color changing polish swatches, too!!! I envy you so much right now... 99 cents for Mint Mojito? That's awesome!
I love finding clearance items! Those 2 you got from your sisters co-worker look so cute :)
99 cents..! what a good bargain you got.
N oo never seen color changing nail polishes. That sounds cool.
NESSA - I know! The bottles said 2.99 but they rang up for only .99!! I though maybe it was because of my discount card. I should have grabbed more I guess!
NIHRIDA - Thanks! I know it was a steal! :)
KAE - Yes, I am hoping to get those tried out really soon.
KAEAII KUROMI - Thanks. Hope to have some swatches up soon on these.
Mint Mojitio for 99 cents! Score! I want that color so bad, I need to check out Sallys. I was just there like two days ago and I didnt see that...
Color changing polishes! I wanna see!
Yay for the Sally's clearance bin! I can't wait to see swatches of the color changing ones!
That was an awesome find girl! Mint Mojito, how lucky. Spread the word that your doing a blog and maybe you'll get more. Pretty nice to get those polishes. Your going to be very busy this weekend. Have a nice weekend.
waaaaaaaaa.... im really so envy to all ur nail polish color u have.. i wish i can get some of them.. i love ur color combinations..the only nail polish i have that same like urs is the "NYX GOLD SPARKLE" yes ur right this is must have polish.. there's something silver, blue, purple glitz thats mix on it.. heheheh..have a great weekend...
I also got V on clearance at Sally's! I look forward to seeing what you think of it...it's an odd color.
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