Thursday, September 30, 2010


Here is TWAF layered over a dark blue jelly. I liked this look, but I didn't like that the cornflower blue of the Lippmann disappeared on this. This was super sparkly in real life folks!!


Zara said...

Looks very nice! The type of glitter does remind me of $OPI Only Gold For Me, though.

The Phalanges Friend said...

This is so pretty.
But not $20 pretty. LMAO.

The Madd Crafter said...

Very nice! I love layering glitters like this. I have a nice glitter pink from finger paints that I like to layer over High Hopes from China Glaze.

Unknown said...

WOW! I need to get this one, I love silvers as much as I love blues!!!

Unknown said...

Very pretty over blue :)

Megan Harmeyer said...

I agree with Chaos: It's pretty, but not $20 pretty. I think I'll drool from afar. :)

Libby's Pink Vanity said...

The different size/shape of the glitter gives this one something different than the every day glitter. More interesting!!

Recalcitrant Nails said...

I do like what you did here. :) And I'm so glad to see you posting again. {{hugs}}

Tessa said...

wow, pretty!

Please visit me back.

Gwen - SpaceLifeThoughts said...

Today was a fairytale is STUNNING

Marina said...

Oh! Really lovely!

Marina said...

Oh! Really lovely!

Lucy said...

Really like this look. Don't think I'll buy this polish either.

Helen said...

Hey lady - not sure if you'll see this or not but just wanted to let you know that your 20 Questions answers went live on my blog today :)

Lucy said...

I also wanted to wish you a happy anniversary on your blog. Two years of wonderful, instructional and funny reading. I miss your regular blogging. Hope everything is all right.

Lois said...

ohmygosh, this is so georgeous! I love the song too, Today was a fairytale by Taylor Swift, haha, altough I don't think it has anything to do with this polish :)

Unknown said...

I LOVE how festive your blog looks, Brooke!!! Gorgeous nails :)

Anonymous said...

Do you exchange links? :)

nail glue said...

It's amazing! I want it. Thank's)

Witoxicity said...

Wow, this is super super pretty!

Anonymous said...

This looks really nice! <3


nailgalore said...

Oh Man!!
i want this!! :-(

diamond engagement rings said...

This is so pretty.

glass floor said...

beautiful, that is an awsome sharing. I like to wear glitter cosmetics only once in an year,when there is my annual dinner in my university, else I would rather love to be in natural make up. But this is a great piece of cosmetics, and I think that I need one like that now :)

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