I'm so excited to bring you all swatches of Boom Boom Pow! Another awesome chunky glitter to come from Deborah Lippmann! Boom Boom Pow has different sized gold glitters and shimmer suspended in a clear jelly formula. While this color isn't buildable (I'm wearing 4 coats in my pictures) it still looks pretty awesome on it's own. BBP could be layered over another base color to really make it sizzle! I am going to try layering this over several different colors tonight to see what sort of combo's I come up with.
I'm not exactly for sure when this is set to be released yet, but I *think* it is part of their Holiday collection, which consists of another color - Today Was A Fairytale, which I will have swatches of later today.

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4 coats is a lot. For that money the layering needs to be darned good!!!!
That's a lot of bling without a lot of pow! LOL Looking forward to see what you layer it over. Welcome back.
Seriously, my favorite part of this polish is that they chose to use a metallic gold label! I get really excited about product packaging... guess that's from all of my design education :)
i LOVE the name!
oooh this would be awesome for the holiday collection!
I'm not sure what to make of that unruly glitter, I wanna see this over a silver metallic!
Oh no, not another Lippmann glitter! I have spent the last year NOT liking her glitters. Then I got Happy Birthday and now I LOVE them! This one is awesome! Oh the possibilities!
Not a fan of this one :( My wallet is happy though!
I am in a hurry to see it on other basis, dark basis :)
Hum hum, What did you choose ?? :D suspens
I like it, but I have Sephora by OPI Only Gold for Me, which does NOT take 4 coats to get that much glitter and is less expensive. I really can't tell the difference by looking at your picture.
I just got the new PR release for these and this looks hot!!!
Hi sweetie~glad your posting again. I'm skipping this one. I love all that glitter but that's too expensive for just layering. How Little enjoying school?
I bet it would be really pretty over OPI's Glitzland or over any gold creme.
i m lovin it...<3 :)
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