Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008

She let us girls in the wedding pick any dress we wanted, they just had to be the same color. This is the dress I picked out and I love it! And my shoes are to die for, but I forgot to snap a pic of them, shoot!

Anyway, she has asked that I do her nails and come up with a cool design. She had suggested red, with silver or black tips. What do you guys think? Any good ideas to give me? I was thinking paint black tips and then go over the entire nail with China Glaze - Ruby Pumps. That way the tip would still be dark, but not over powering dark. I was also going to get some of that silver stripping tape. I was thinking it might kind of look like these nails that I did (just look at the nail tip area, her whole nail will be covered in the red polish, just with a darker red tip):

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I placed this order with Head2Toe. Every since I saw that mint green color on Khloe Kardashian, I have been on the hunt for a mint green. Essie St. Martin Mint looked to be the closest, but guess what - - It's been DISCONTINUED, go figure....... So I got the next best thing, China Glaze - Groovy Green.
I ordered the last 4 of the China Glaze Kaleidoscope collection: Don't Be A Square, Rated Holographic, Spin Me Round & Visit Me In Prism.
I ordered four of the Color Club glitter nail polishes, I can't remember the collections name, possibly Vixen. Anyway I ordered Tru Passion (purple), Art of Seduction (red), Sexy Siren (blue) & Object of My Envy (green).
I FINALLY ordered some Cuticle Eraser. After hearing all these rave reviews I figured I should get some and see what all the fuss is about.
I ordered a set of three nail art brushes & 2 manicure bowls.
I ordered OPI - My Chihuahua Bites, simple for the name since I have a Chihuahua - and she does go into "fightsey bitesey" mode ( thats what I call it when she just wants to bite when she plays) sometimes.
And lastly I ordered Essie - Happily Ever After because I just found out my little sister got engaged and is getting married-----in two weeks, lol! So hurry up Head2Toe, get that order here before the wedding. My little sister likes nail polish, she isn't a nut like me, but I thought she would like it for the name alone.
Monday, December 15, 2008

How Dinky handles the cold weather.....

I announced the winner at the top of my blog. I have emailed the winner, but I need to hear back from you soon with an address as to where I can ship your goodies to!! So please email me back with your address info :)! And I would again like to take the time to say THANK YOU to all who entered in my giveaway. If you didn't win, don't be sad, I will have more giveaways to come!
Friday, December 12, 2008



Of course by this time me and the BF were laughing our asses off. So after I can compose myself, I scoop her up and praise her and give her some treats. And then I put the next shoe on her other foot. She just stands completely still, she won't move, she doesn't even run back to her little bed. I try setting treats in a trail to entice her, still no luck. So I just snapped a couple more pics of her and took her little shoes off.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I am trying to figure out what color Khloe K. is wearing in the above photo. I have a few guesses:

China Glaze - Groovy Green
China Glaze - In the Limelight
So what do you guys think? Which of these looks closest? I'm loving that Essie color! But I think ChG in Groovy Green looks the closest.

What do you guys think? You like the color or not? What color is this?
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I painted two coats of China Glaze - Frostbite, then I used my silver Stripe Rite nail art pen to do the silver french tips. Let that dry slightly, and then added a top coat of Wet n Wild - Kaleidoscope for the "falling snow" effect.
I like this, but I have 3 gripes for you So Easy Stripe Rite NAP's.
My first Gripe, I just bought these pens from Sally's during the summer months. I have had a gold glitter one basically almost dry up on me. It is really goopy and thick. I thought maybe I just didn't close the lid tightly enough, and went on about my way. Well last night using the silver one, it is starting to goop up on me!! These pens are not cheap, they are about $4.00 each. I am so disappointed in these pens! I also have some Nubar NAP's and they are holding up just fine. They are staying the consistency that they should.
Has anyone else had this happen to their pens?

Disappointment - So Easy Stripe Rite, you get two wet, soft, dented, tip worn thumbs down from me! :p
I'm giving away a Sally Hansen Miniature set with 5 mini bottle of polish, a Colorama Flakey Top Coat (HTF), Wet n Wild - Kaleidoscope & Sinful Colors - San Francisco (only 3 days left to enter in my contest)
E-Polishblog - Click Here
Katee is having a giveaway for some totally cute snowman shaped bottles of nail polish and Sally Hansen - Emerald City (a fab emerald green color)
Vampy Varnish - Click Here
Kelly is giving away a bottle of Chanel - Haute Chocolat.
Christmas is the time for gift giving - so please take this opportunity to enter in all THREE giveaways, some one's gotta win, right?

Photos property and courtesy of Mini Nail Blog
Are you kidding me with these? I'm in love - lol! I love cutesy tootsey stuff like this! She hand made all the little reindeer with acrylic! Can you believe that? How creative is she?
Here is the link to her blog about these nails.
And here is the link to the post where she shows how she made them from the acrylic.
I am always so impressed with work done like this! The little reindeer are the "bomb" in my opinion :) And the little red Rudolph nose ---**dead**---
Please check her blog out, she has detailed descriptions for different nail art, and several step by step pictures also.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
He was dying for me to take his picture this morning and he looked so darn cute I just had to share with you guys..........

(The big white bright light behind him is my Christmas tree, it is a white tree with black & silver decorations on it)
I will be doing some sort of nail art for you guys. I will work on it tonight. I'm sorry I haven't had much nail art related stuff lately. I think when I took my nails off my nail art mojo went with it or something. So I am going to FORCE some sort of creativity out tonight and I hope it lands on my nails!!! Until, don't forget about my GIVEAWAY y'all!

When I saw these yesterday I knew I had to have one. So I did, and she stands on my desk at work now. Don't judge me........... :)
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