***UPDATE!! I JUST GOT MY FIRST WELCOME BACK ANON. (OF COURSE) HATE MESSAGE TODAY!! GOD IT'S GREAT TO BE BACK AND BE LOVED BY SO MANY, LOL! LIKE IT OR NOT, I WILL BE BACK, CAN'T WAIT :) I know I have been MIA for a looooong time now and I'm sorry. I have just had a lot of stuff going on in my life right now and doing nails just hasn't been in the mix. I will be back, but I'm sorry I can't give you all an exact date, I'm hoping by the end of the month things will be back to normal around here. Wanna hear a quick list of all that has been eating away at my time??? Ok, well here goes:
car trouble (without a car for almost a week!!)
Computer down at work
School starting
Little starting football
Little's Birthday (Today!! He is 8!!!)
My Mom's birthday (on the 9th, a milestone #60!!!)
Baking about 10 dozen cookies for my Grandma
is that enough to grant me a reprieve?? God I hope so!
Anyway, I miss you guys but I promise I WILL BE BACK :) In the mean time, here are a few family pics.

Little at Baconfest in Enid - plates of bacon and bottles of beer, does it get any better??? Top that with a free pig nose and it's simply Heaven!

Nanners tricking you all into thinking he isn't a hellion on wheels!!

Little's first day of second grade.

The double cross peace sign must be Little's signature pose this year!

See what lengths Dinks will go to for a morsel of food? I love that girl!!