Thursday, June 11, 2009


Good morning all! I just wanted to fill you in on a little thing called "My Life". I got word last week that we all here at my job are having our hours cut. You might remember a month or so ago when several people were laid off here, including my old partner in crime in the office. So while I should be thankful that it is just an hours cut and not a lay off - it is still gonna sting.

So now I have two days a month (16 hours) that I must take off from work with out pay. So I won't be here tomorrow. I will probably be taking every other Friday off from work until things pick back up again. While I am excited that it is summer time and that means my son is out of school and I will get to spend the day with him, I am also a little worried about what this will mean money wise. So that's the deal ladies until I hear further from my job. And since most of you know I don't currently have Internet access at home and when I did I never really posted from there either, you will have to make it two Friday's a month with out Getcha Nails Did. Where will this madness end?? lol

So to lighten up this dreary post - a cornucopia of Dinky pics!!!

The first picture ever of Dinky. This was taken on my birthday last year when I got her. She was so tiny, she is only 5lbs now full grown, so you can imagine how little she was when she was only 8 weeks old.

This one cracks me up - like most of her pictures do!

This is her MONA LISA picture, her eyes follow you no matter where you go!!! Try it - I dare you!

I don't know who liked this more - the bf or Dinky.

What chu' lookin at?

That's a fluffy baby bird feather stuck to her face that she had no idea was there - until she licked her lips and ended up eating it.

Please note the foot wearing the pink boot propped up on the edge of her bed!

Let's say it all together now "awwwwwwwwwww"

My how big your ears are! All the better to hear you with!!!



Rai said...

Well at least you still have a job. Hopefully the hour cut won't hurt you money wise. =D

LOL! Dinky is soooo cute.
hahaha! The last one cracked me up.

The Hollywood Memoirs said...

Good luck to you! I'll miss those extra posts but hopefully you'll be having an awesome time with your son. Enjoy it!

Velvet said...

That's tough! My husband was laid off back in October of 07.(He's in construction) That's why we had to move from Florida back to the midwest. Then he limped along with working here and there. It's only been since last August of 08. That he's been working non-stop again. I don't when this recession/depression will ever end! I'll have you in my thoughts and prayers. Dinky is sooo very cute!

Mary said...

More time to do your nails? That stinks though, you count on x amount of dollars, but yes, at least you still have a job. Hope things pick up for you. What type of industry are you in? As always, Dinky is a ray of sunshine :)

Jamie D. said...

Sorry to hear that, Brooke. Thank goodness they didn't just lay you off. My hubby just took a job that pays much less than his old one, because the company he used to work for is so unstable, and he was afraid his job would be cut soon, so we feel your pain. It will all shake out in the end though, just gotta hang in there.

Hugs to Dinky...such a cutie! :-)

aquaracer said...

aw, sorry to hear about the sad news. hope things get better soon!! let's just focus on the good side, we still have a job! *hugs*

dinky's such a cutiepie.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about the cutting of your hours. I hope it doesn't last too long.

Love the dog! So adorable. I have a Chi, too, so I know how wonderful they are.

nivipa said...

That's so tough about losing two days a month - out in California my cousin, who works for the state, had to do the same thing; "furlough days" they're called. At least you've got three cute things to keep you occupied those extra days!

Kae said...

So sorry to hear about your job, I feel your pain I was cut to working 1 day a week aaaaaaah. Like everyone is saying, thank goodness you still have a job.

Dinky is adorable, like I tell my 2 babies at home, "I wanna put you in my pocket."

Nixxy said...


Helen said...

I'm really sorry to hear about your cut as well. I work in recruitment and go home sooo depressed most evenings after spending all day on the phone to brilliant people who suddenly don't have a job. Horrible.

Fridays off in summer is bearable though!

Ohhhhhh Dinky pics. Can't get enough! Too cute.

Nicole said...

Maybe it will only be for the summer and when school kicks back in, hours will increase again. Here's hoping on that - but boy do I know that will be a pinch for you.
Cute cute cute Dinkyness! You can picspam all day about a cutie patootie little dog like that, I think. Awwww.

Anonymous said...

Brooke- Bummer! I'm sorry to hear that, but glad you weren't laid off. I hope you can have some cheap fun times with your son. I grew up without much money, but some of my favorite memories were when we did fun free stuff (movies from the library, free concerts, squirtgun fights).

Enjoy the summer and know that things will pick up again.

Violet LeBeaux said...

That really sucks :( It could be worse but it still sucks. I'm sending you virtual hugs and hoping things pick up. Aww how can anyone be sad with such a cute little Dinky!

Lucy said...

Let me also add to this and add my sorrow and concern. Take care and enjoy the days with your son. I pray things pick up for you. You can put Dinky to work modeling! She looks so adorable! I love your end picture. That is too funny. Lots of {{hugs}} to you.

adorepink said...

Sorry to hear about the hours being cut but I'm going to look on the positive side like everyone else and say at least you get spend more times with things you love, your son, Dinky and nail polish.:-)

Christine said...

I work for the State so I know how it feels. We have a two day furlough too. It's hard but we'll get through it. It's meant that I had to cut back of expenses (including polishes, I miss you OPI!).

contests and such said...

OH, Brooke! I am so sorry! But, yeah at least you're not laid off, but that still sucks...More time with the son, that's good.
Love the Dinky pics

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