Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Today I got a call at work from my son. He was calling to say he missed me and loved me - awwwwww! My son always gets a kick out of it when I post about him, and then when I read any comments you all leave about him - it is too funny! He gets a big, huge smile on his face and usually wants me to read them twice! So I thought I would post a few of my favorite pics of him so that he knows I was thinking about him too today.

This was back when he had Spongebob Teeth! lmao



Anonymous said...

OMG He is soo adorable!!..Look at those eyez!!! I fell in love at first sight....GOD BLESS him...


Kae said...

Awwwww that is soooo sweet, what a cutie pie! You are such a good son :)

Mary said...

Those baby pictures are adorable! He's such a handsome young man.

Jess said...

He's sure going to be a heartbreaker. Very cute.

Your nails are a LOT longer than when I last saw... secrets? Do tell.

Lucy said...

What a handsome boy he is. What a sweetheart he is calling you at work. I think I would have been crying. That is so touching. I love all the pictures. OMG! That first picture is so adorable. Lok at those big cheeks. Just want to pinch 'em. I thin you have a very special boy who loves him Mom very much.

Anonymous said...

What a handsome guy! Look at those huge eyes! He's going to be a heartbreaker some day for sure...keep an eye on him Brooke! ;)

Anonymous said...

What amazing eyes!

aquaracer said...

awww, such a sweet post. and a handsome little one :) future heartbreaker ;-) haha

sweet_little_angel said...

This post is so adorable! His cheeks! Makes me wanna squeeze them. lol

Nixxy said...

Haha! Spongebob teeth! :)
Look at those big liquid chocolate brown eyes - what a ladykiller!

Unknown said...

He is soooooo cute!

Unknown said...

He is such a cutie patootie!!! Lovin' all the pix...especially the spongebob teeth and the capitan fit...lol

yummy411 said...

he's the cutest thing ever! such a lucky mama!

you been nominated for an award! check out my blog!

Helen said...

He's definitely going to be a heartbreaker. Love the police outfit. Ahhh and how nice that he likes being blogged about. Say a big English hello from me!

rijaH said...

SO cute ;D Love him <3

Rai said...

Awwww! He always had those fat cheeks! *pinch pinch*

contests and such said...

He is such a cutie-pie! Hi Little!

Lacquer Laine said...

SO SWEET! That is such a nice phone call to get! I hope one day I have little ones that love me that much!! It's so nice that you guys have such a close relationship. And it's nice he supports your nail hobby!

I love the ones in the car and with the uniform on! He looks like a little man! So adorable. And he's picking up girls?! LOL

Nicole said...

Oh Brooke, he is such a cute little thing! My goodness! Love all the pics. Hehe, too adorable! And it is so sweet he calls you at work to tell you he misses you!

pixelsandpolish said...

Aww bless him, what a sweetie!

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