Friday, March 25, 2011


I was back at it again in the kitchen, making some more cupcakes. I made these per the request of my Mom, so that she could give them to some one. She requested a death by chocolate cupcake, and I think I delivered.

These are mini cupcakes, since it was so chocolatey I thought a full size one might be a bit much. They are a butter fudge cake topped with chocolate icing then dipped in chocolate and drizzled with white chocolate. They looked like the dipped cones you get at Dairy Queen. I'm calling them Death by Dairy Queen :)


L said...

Come bake with me!!!!!!!

Anna Elizabeth said...

WOW. I think that definitely qualifies as death by chocolate!

The Phalanges Friend said...


I've been yearning for a quality baked good for weeks now, and this just makes it so much worse. ;__;

Simple Beauty said...

What is the recipe?

Ivana said...

Ivana takes one from the picture and eats it. *nomnomnomnomnom*

GothamPolish said...

These look AMAZING!!!

Skulda said...

That was the sound of me fainting and hitting the floor. I think I'd pass out with all that icing but they are BEAUTIFUL!!!
If I make some I'll give my extra icing to you. ;)

Enamel Girl said...

they look delish!

Anonymous said...

You're making me so hungry right now...
Can't you show us the recipe? They look de-li-cious.

Akuma Kanji said...

Oh my goodness!!!! I love them! I'm going to bake some cupcakes for Easter :D Too bad in Portugal there aren't trays for mini cupcakes :(

Unknown said...

Ho my gosh I'm hungry!!!
Looks so delicious!!
Any tutorial ? =P

Lucy said...

I could use a chocolte fix right now. I've been up all night watching YouTube beauty stuff and finally on these blogs. Now your killing me! They sure do look like the Dairy Queen cones. Yummy.

Freshie said...

Scrumptious! Did you at least get to eat one after all that hard work?

Erika said...

Okay. That's it. I am moving in with you, now. lol

Those look amazing. But what is this "a bit much" business? When it comes to chocolate, there is no such thing. :D

Anonymous said...

That looks so yummy!

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