Monday, March 21, 2011


Good Monday Morning all :) I spent several hours on Sat. doing lots of swatching for you guys. It was really great chilling out in my nail polish room, painting my nails, catching up on saved shows I had on the DVR and looking out the window at all my babies outside playing and running around. That's a pretty good Saturday in my book.

The first swatch I have is the blue version of the Borghese I showed you all Friday. I think the glitter showed up better in the purple version, at least all the colors of the glitter I mean. You can still see lots of glitter in this but I think I prefer the purple version. You can see that this does have a rougher texture, but it isn't too bad, I think two coats of Seche would be sufficient to make this nice and smooth.


colorfulbottle said...

Very interesting shade. I've never seen anything like this =). And it looks good on your nails. I like it a lot =)

Anonymous said...

Ooooh. Okay, I've been looking at this shade and then bypassing it - I'm SO glad I saw your swatch of it. It's gorgeous on you!

Lucy said...

Love this polish. Like the different glitters in it.

Zara said...

That looks very pretty! I've bypassed this a couple of times, and I'm beginning to think that was a mistake. :)

Oreleona said...

its a nice glittery color. i love it!

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