Good morning ya'll!! Hope everyone had a great weekend. My son will be starting back to school this week - it's that time of year again. He is going to start second grade and he is excited.
My week is not off to the best start so far! I had to take Banana to the vet this morning, I think he ate something he wasn't supposed to and has an upset tummy. He was one sad little boy this morning. His poor little tummy was making all kinds of gurgling and rumbling noises. He was vomiting and had the runs during the night and into the morning.
Then after I get here to work my computer has died (maybe??)! I have a flashing amber power switch instead of a solid green one - not good. So my computer is off to Best Buy as we speak to get worked on. I am working on another girl's computer at the moment.
So sad to say I don't have my saved NBOTB sites for this week. So I'm going to do something a little different for this Monday only. If you have a new blog that you would like featured, leave a link in the comments section of this post. If I see that links left are not for NAIL related blogs/websites I will delete those comments, so please stick to the rules :) So please take a look at the comments on this post for links to new blogs girls.
Hopefully my computer will be back soon, but until then I will have to post from my computer at home, so posts will be done at night instead of during the day like I usually do.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
I know you haven't seen much posting from me this week. I had a bout of nail breaks come over me - I broke all but three of my nails in the past week and a half and finally gave it up and cut the remaining 3 nails off yesterday. Not that there is anything wrong with short nails, I just don't prefer them on me and I don't like the way swatches look on my short nails.
I'm thinking I might put on some acrylic nails this weekend so that I can get back to the swatching that I have to do. I might even PAY someone to put them on me, lol! I just haven't felt like swatching or even doing my nails for that matter because they are all so short.
Luckily I have another mani I did on my sister to share with you all. This was done at the same time of the pedi I showed you earlier this week. You will see the similarities between the two.

I'm thinking I might put on some acrylic nails this weekend so that I can get back to the swatching that I have to do. I might even PAY someone to put them on me, lol! I just haven't felt like swatching or even doing my nails for that matter because they are all so short.
Luckily I have another mani I did on my sister to share with you all. This was done at the same time of the pedi I showed you earlier this week. You will see the similarities between the two.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
This is a pedi I did on my sister. Lots of stuff was used, as you can tell!! We kept laughing about it because she thought that her toes looked plain jane!! She has a base color on (a sheer) topped with Sally Hansen Hidden Treasure. Then a hot pink french with silver striping tape and black dots added to the french. And then if THAT wasn't enough, we stamped skulls on the big toes and added pink jewels for the eyes. Plain jane toes my ASS!! lol
My favorite part is the subtle touch of the Hidden Treasure - love it!!

My favorite part is the subtle touch of the Hidden Treasure - love it!!

Friday, August 6, 2010
nubar offers our retail customers 20% off retail orders of $30 or more with code AUG2030 August 6 through August 7, with free shipping on orders of $75 or more after the discount is applied. Visit us at to take advantage of this offer! nubar
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
According to Websters:
Main Entry: blog
Main Entry: blog
Pronunciation: \ˈblȯg, ˈbläg\
Function: noun
Etymology: short for Weblog
Date: 1999
: a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer; also : the contents of such a site
At anytime if you see something here that you don't like I cordially invite you to move on. Not every post I publish do I think that everyone will agree with. Why some people feel the need to take time out of their day to make sure that I know they don't like it is beyond me. If you feel that strongly, start your own blog or make your own post about it on your own blog. I think most people have the capacity to just move on, and if it offends them enough to stop reading my blog then they make the decision to click the red "x" at the top of my blog.
Personally I find nothing satisfactory about being negative.
That being said, I'm taking a small break from blogging this week. Hope you girls have a nice week and I'll be back soon :)
Monday, August 2, 2010
Damn, I wish I knew how to make this my ringtone!
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