Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I'm still alive, just been busy. Don't know if I will get to any posts today or not, but I just HAD to share these pics of my nephew, little baby Oliver:

all together now: aaaaawwwwwww!!
*BTW - I just made Oliver his own tag, so I guess that means you will all be seeing more of him :)


Rai said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! =D

Paige said...

He is so cute!!!!!!

Skye said...

awww so adorable and cute a little bundle of joy

Lucy said...

That first picture is absolutely amazing. He looks like the most beautiful baby in history! Just lovely and God Bless him. Thanks for sharing Auntie Brooke!

Helen said...

Awww. Fame at such an early age! So cute!

Nicole said...

What a cutie, I just wanna squish him haha in a totally good way! I think the first is my fave, but they are all great. Thank you for sharing :) Aunty Brooke!

Nixxy said...

Awwwww! Anne Geddes, eat your heart out :)

Anonymous said...


nivipa said...

Those pictures are really well done - I have never seen such well-done photos (and such a cute baby, to boot!)

ThRiSzHa said...

he is so adorable....

Lacquer Laine said...

way way way too cute!!!

Brooke said...


Anonymous said...
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