Thursday, July 16, 2009


Check this out:

Some people are just so creative, I swear! I thought this looked totally cute, and I know alot of my readers are makeup ladies & HK freaks (meant in the nicest way possible, of course), so I thought you might like this.
I found it over at Hello Kitty Hell - a hilarious site dedicated to making fun of Hello Kitty. The guy who writes it is pretty witty and funny.


Kae said...

Oh man, my friend pointed out that site to me just a few days ago! I thought it was hilarious!

Anonymous said...

That is pretty awesome.

sweet_little_angel said...

lol I Love reading Hello Kitty Hell! And the make-up is pretty damn creative!

Natalie said...

lol I have to check it out! Have you seen that hello kitty house? I couldn't believe it!

doce e bela said...


Nixxy said...

Whoa - how does it stay on without smudging????

Chrissy said...

Wow, that truly is an HK addict. Thanks for mentioning the site, now I have something to do! XD

Phyrra said...

OMG that's awesome eye shadow though!

Lucy said...

I thought that was your eye Brooke! I'll have to check this site out. I think HK is cute but I don't own any but the Mac makeup with HK on it. I also saw that house! Crazy is all I can say. That' someone who has alot of cash to throw around. Enjoy your weekend.

Skye said...

Hey Brooke this is actually a amazing makeup guru off youtube who did this piece,check it out at

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