Thursday, November 5, 2009


First off I need to publicly apologize that this has taken me so long to do - I'm sorry Christy! I got the stuff on October 22nd and it has taken me this long to post about it - bad Brooke, very bad Brooke!!

Ok, now on to the good stuff! Christy from Kronicles of a Konader offered to pick me up a couple bottles of China Glaze Matte Magic since my Sally's hadn't put any out. (IF you want to find out more about Christy click here) When the shipment came my jaw almost hit the floor - it was huge! I thought boy, how much bubble wrap did she use for two little ol' bottles of nail polish?? Take a look, I even put a bottle of polish next to the box to show size accuracy:

When I opened it up I saw a ton of little individually wrapped gifts and a two page hand written note!! What did the note contain you say? Well nothing much - just the secret to life!!! She color coded the gifts!! All the stuff wrapped in Pink was for Dinky, Green for Little and Yellow for me. She even included a ton of candy for Ricco - so thoughtful I tell ya!

First up Dinky's Haul:

Pretend she is enjoying some treats Christy sent here, since I forgot to get a pic of those!!

Yes, she got her a new coat!! The right size and everything :)

Ricco's Haul:

Candy galore!! Little was upset that Ricco got all the candy, lol!

My goods:

There were actually three bottle of this she sent to me, and under neath you can see the letter she sent me.

The awesome glitter I used to make Fire Starter. For those of you who wondered where the glitter came from, it came from Michael's, the arts and crafts store.

Little's Haul:



  1. What a fantastic friend! That was so sweet of her. Dinky looks like she is enjoying her fancy new coat and Little is loving all those goodies! And you got some great frankens from those glitters!

  2. What A great package you got ! That was so sweet of Christy to send you all these gorgeous things !
    And your son is SO cute :-)

  3. So awesome! Little looks so thrilled to have his goodies. Christy is amazing, what a sweetheart!

  4. There is nothing better than good friends and good mail!

  5. EVIL - Well said Evil, well said :)

  6. Good grief girl, I told you those few things didn't deserve a post!

    i even feel silly about Little's things! But I got things I always loved when I was a kid!

    i shoulda gotten u more!!!

    oh and i certainly hope Ricco shared!!!

    Luv ya sis!

  7. Wow! This post made me smile,Christy is an angel and I'm sure everyone is enjoying their treats.How thoughtful :)

    P.S.The pictures of Little and Dinky are adorable!

  8. the faces you little is making sais it all - LOL tha't a great gift!
    I hope you'll get mine soon... it's been too long since I sent it.

  9. Awww...what a sweet haul from a sweet heart!

  10. I love your haul post! Dinky looks so cute in that coat, the glitter looks fun and your son looks so excited about his gifts! :) I need to get some of that glitter and have some fun. :)

  11. Christy is just about the sweetest! What a wonderful friend. Love Dinky's new coat. She looks really fashionable in it. Little is getting more and more handsome. I can see that he's getting older and taller than the first pictures I saw. How adorable is he.
