Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Lol, the title of this post looks like it is in another language. Thanks to Nihrida of Nihrida's Blog, she nominated me for this:

Rules: List 7 facts about yourself and award another 7 bloggers.

  1. I have pretty small feet, I wear a size 5.
  2. I had to take the test to get your drivers license twice before I passed.
  3. I am a really sore loser when it comes to games! I have been known to flip a game board or two.....tehehee!
  4. My first job was a car hop at Sonic - man I miss those tips I used to get.
  5. I'm super scared of dying but I think about it at least once a day.
  6. I used to pretend I had a radio show and record cassette tapes of my "show".
  7. I used to not want to have kids, but now I don't know what I would do without my Little <3

Ok, now I have to nominate 7 bloggers to do the same, and here is who I pick:

  1. Mary
  2. Helen
  3. The Pretty Brown Girl
  4. Judy
  5. Nixxy
  6. Collette
  7. Jen


  1. Thanks, hon! I'll have to think up some really freaky stuff now :)

  2. Hey, I tagged you too woman! D<

  3. Thanks!!! <3
    I will add your name I did this last night.
    You know what they say about small feet....small feet...warm heart :) hahah, what'd you think I was goin to say?! LOL
    Have a great day!

  4. Judy - You dirty dirty girl you!! You need some Orbit gum to clean your dirty mouth with :)

  5. Tiny wittle feet! How cute. My Mom was a size 5 also and I always found her the cutest shoes. She was only 4'11" with a personality of a six footer. A gameboard flipper, huh! Shame on you.
