Wednesday, April 15, 2009


It's that time again, for my weekly installment of my Barielle products. I do have a confession to make, I didn't use any of my products on Friday, Saturday or Sunday!! I had a busy weekend with having both boys and with Easter. I did have one of my nails break at a weak point in the nail on Sunday, and I don't know if it is related to my lack of using my products or not.

Please click on the links below to view my other Barielle Wednesdays posts:

Barielle Products Introduction
Week one
Week two

On to the comparison pics:

I can definitely see some growth to my nails from last week to this week. I had even filed and shaped my nails too before these pics, so some of the growth was filed off, but not much. I'm pretty impressed with the growth factor. I do wish that my nails looked better, but I think that will only come with time. What do you all think? Does it appear that my nails have had a significant amount of growth from last week to this week?


  1. Yes! I noticed the nail growth as soon as I looked at the pics. It's looking like this stuff works. I know what you mean with being ,"busy" over easter. My nails didn't get any attention at all!

  2. VELVET - Thanks! It never even crossed my mind this weekend, lol!!

  3. Great! It is working to make your nails grow.
