Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Things that make me happy:
My Son
My BF (most days...)
My baby girl Dinky
Free Stuff
Good Food
and TiNS nail polish!!!!

What can I say about this nail polish?? This polish was MADE for GLITTAH LOVAHS!! This is the second one of my TiNS that my lovely friend and fellow nail polish blogger Super Jen from Never Too Much Glitter was kind enough to send to me. TiNS polishes are so awesome, I wish there was a way for you all to experience what these look like in real life. In direct sunlight nails polished with TiNS could be considered deadly weapons!! The light that comes off of these babies in full sunlight is nothing short of amazing. But even more than that, the awesomeness that is TiNS doesn't dull in regular lighting, it is still full of shimmer, shine, glintyness (is that even a word??), glimmer ---all that good stuff!

Today I am sharing with you TiNS - The Mars. The base color is what I would call a ruby color. Kind of pink and red and maroon. TiNS nail polishes are so pigmented, and while it is basically bottle color with one coat, I did two to really slather on the blings :) These are pretty smooth, but could use another coat of Seche for the person who wants them perfectly smooth (me!). As of now these polishes are only available in Japan. I have yet to find them any where, even on ebay. If any of you have seen them for sale else where, please share it with us in the comments.

As usual, I took a ton of pics so enjoy!

If you aren't smiling at that then there is something wrong wit you baby!

Here are some outside shots, done in full sunlight:

Here are some outside shots, taken in the shade:
More shots taken inside with and without flash:
Trying to show you the smoothness, even with all that glittah. This has just ONE coat of Seche.

How cute is this shoe??? It is on a calendar I have hanging up at work.

Don't TiNS make you happy too????


  1. Thank god for square bottles! The polish looks gorgeous.

  2. Love the polish... and I love shoes so that shoe was awesome! :D

  3. RAI - Isn't she lovely??

    PIXIE - Darn tootin'!! lol I agree, this polish was made for me ;)

    OLIVIA C. - Thank you! I am a shoe freak too, but I don't buy them like I do nail polish :)

  4. Ya! Talk about jammed packed with Glittah!! You know...I'm loving it!!

  5. VELVET - This is indeed a Glittah Lovah's dream!! YOu would love this!

    NIXXY - I'm sending Dinky over STAT to lick your face and get you back up on your feet!

  6. I enlarged the picture. OMG! I need sunglasses now to type. That is the most gorgeous nail polish. I would definetly buy the whole line of glitter polishes if I could. How could you torture me so!

  7. Wow! That is gorgeous. :D But I'd be too afraid to wear it for fear of blinding myself because I'd look at it so long cause it's pretty~

  8. Brooke, that color looks absolutely fabulous on you, plus is a superblingtacular glitter. What a hot color! I just may go and get a bottle for myself! :)

  9. I would not say no to this polish! The glitter is amazing, blingy! I do wish I could experience this. Wow.

  10. LUCY - Enlarging it really shows the beautiful detail of this polish!! lol, sorry for the torture :)

    CHRISSY - lol!! It's to pretty not to wear though! :)

    GLITTER - I can't believe you have these beauties right by you and don't own all of them, i know i would!!

    ALEXLYNDRA - It is soooo pretty, isn't it!! I know, i wish they would sell these polishes all over the world!
