Friday, April 24, 2009


First off I want to tell you all what an absolute JOY it was reading the RAOK comments! I am truly so glad I decided to have you all share your stories. If you haven't read the comments from the Tracy Reese for SH Giveway, I suggest you do. I also wanted to add that a ROAK can be ANY FORM of kindness shown to you or that you have shown to someone, it doesn't HAVE to be actually giving an object to someone. I have enjoyed these stories so much and I have some other goodies stocked away that I think I will have this little giveaway again really soon!

If you haven't shared your ROAK story yet please make sure you do soon, I will be picking a winner at random today! Click here to be directed to the post.

Also I have fallen, no........I jumped, no...................OK I DIVED off the no-buy wagon yesterday! I will post up the crime scene pics later today :)

I stopped by Dollar Tree yesterday. My two "must stop by and check" isles are the nail polish isle and the dog isle. First stop the NP isle, which of course didn't have any of those cool nail art pens everyone has been getting. I had more luck on the Dog isle, they had some cute doggy t-shirts. So the baby Dinkster is now stylin' and profilin'! When I got home and was showing the bf the new t-shirts I got, he was telling me that her wardrobe is getting crazy and I needed to put her winter stuff up, lmfao! Every time I think of that, it cracks me up.

Here she is modeling a hot little pink number

AWWWW! Look at her little bald knee, lmao!

Tell me this dog doesn't need to be a dog super model! She wasn't asleep here, she was awake. I'm telling you she loves to model when I get the camera out (which is like daily)!


  1. Good morning!! What a cute post. XD Your dog is so adoooorable. My puppy just...WON'T pose for camera. She won't even come if you call her...but she does when she feels like it. She's odd. Primadonna like. XD

  2. PS. I was so frustrated today! I tried to do my nails but for some reason I kept ruining everything. Not to mention my nails look so unhealthy now (nail polish quality here is like O_O, I once saw a demo of this person putting local brand NPs on styrophor/styrofoam, and it MELTED the foam! Now I don't know if that's something to do with the quality or a chemical reaction betwen the styrofoam and the NP chemicals...but that scared meh. O.o;; So I'm gonna stay away from local brands. XD

  3. Hello Brooke !
    You dog is so cute with this small t-shirts !♥

  4. I have seen people find some amazing things in their Dollar Tree. I always manage to leave with snacks. lol =D


  5. I just read your comments on the ROAK and you're so right, they're very nice. It always restores my faith in humanity to hear nice things that people do for other people with no strings attached. Please ROAK Dinky to me~ha-ha, kidding of course, but she is adorable in her new clothes :)

  6. Dinky has obtained supermodel status. She knows she's gorgeous and how to work the camera! I love her new wardrobe. Pink is my favorite color and pink looks good on Dinky.

  7. CHRISSY - OMG!! That is shocking about that NP! No I DEF> would NOT use that np!

    CELINE - Thank you!

    RAI - You are one professional snackster girl!

    MARY - haha! Dinky ain't goin' no where! nice try butta fly!

    LLUCY - LOL at work the camera, but that's what she does!

  8. Dinky is sooo cute!!!! I have a little girl chi too. She hates when I dress her though, but does love to pose.

  9. CREATEITCOTTAGE - lol! I just left a response to your comment on the post above asking if you had the twin dinky dog, guess I got my answer! lol
    Dinky doesn't mind the clothes as long as they are comfortable, there are a couple things I bought that she Obviously does not like wearing.

  10. How old is Dinky? Does she sleep with you?

  11. MRSKIWIYETI - She just turned a year old this past Feb., I was gonna do something for her BD here on the blog and her BD came and went and I totally forgot. I was a terrible momma for doing that!! Yes she does sleep with me, every night, with out fail!

  12. How cute is Dinky-dog! I also had a Chihuahua a long ago named Dino. He was a character!
    I'm not the revolutionary type, but wouldn't it be hilarious if you could find a mini Che Guevara tee for pinky Dinky?

  13. ANON - The bf would probably object to any new clothes for her at this point! lol
