Friday, April 24, 2009


I feel really guilty that I dove off head first from the no buy wagon just days before May - SIKE!! (OMG when is the last time I used that word?) It felt GOOOOOOD to buy nail polish again :) What can I say ........ Mama's Back!!!!!

I don't think I did too bad though, the majority of the np I bought was on clearance, and I took pics of the clearance stickers to prove it!

The first two are from the Tracy Reese for SH collection.

See!! Told ya! Clearance stickers! The orange one's came from Target and the yellow one came from Walgreens.

These are Rimmels, and I couldn't find any names on these polishes. Do they have names?

See, clearance too! These came from Target.

Look at all that chunky, flaky glitter in the peach one!

This one was regular price, but it was such a unique color I had to get it!

with flash

Without flash

I thought this was funny because I was just telling Mary at BODY AND SOUL that I didn't own any Nicole by OPI because I didn't like the colors and the bottles looked like they melted! And look what I picked up! But this color is really awesome, plus it was on clearance at Target, even though $4.92 was still a bit pricey!

If this is wrong, I don't wanna be right! (lol whoooo I'm a dork!)


  1. Great polishes! They look beautiful! I'm so jealous of you cheap polishes over there.

  2. You are too funny! You don't have to show us the clearance stickers to justify your's okay :) I love that Nicole and am excited to see what it looks like on you. I picked up the CG last year looking for a dupe to Molten Metal and I love it. Great haul and don't feel bad about your no buy. At least you tried.

  3. Hi Brooke! You are a riot. It is so hard not to shop for polish. It's just to hard to deny yourself. Nice colors, looking forward to your swatches and art work.

  4. ALEXLYNDRA - I know, I don't know how you poor over sea's ladies do it! I would be broke!

    MARY - Was I that transparent? lol
    I tried it on one nail last night, and I really like it! I love dark colors like that, that don't turn "black" on the nail.
    The CG does look like molten metal, huh! I searched high and low for molten metal and never could find it, guess I got a replacement :)

  5. LUCY - I was good for a quite a long time I think! But I got paid yesterday and there just was no holing me back, lol!

  6. Excellent haul and a sale haul at that. Well done! :)

  7. Beautiful colors!!! Nothing wrong with a treat. I was planning a trip to Target today. I hope they have some clearance at mine.

  8. CLOCKWORK - Thank ya! It's a dirty job, some body had to do it!

    CREATEITCOTTAGE - Thank you! You are the one with a twin Dinky dog, aren't you? Good luck at your target, I was surprised how many nail polishes that they had on clearance.

  9. The rimmel on the left looks like hard edged. It's a really great color.

  10. The rimmel's names are under the stickers, they put them on the front of the bottle:) You have an amazing blog, I love to read it. You have great taste in polish and you make me smile:) Keep up the good work!!!!

  11. ROFLMAO!!!! Welcome back you naughty girl! lol I LOVE THE CLEARANCE STICKER PHOTOS. You crack me up!

    My lil "Tucker" is in love with your lil "DinksterDiva". He even told me if we won the the polish drawing that he would do his nails in that color just for her. Alas, I broke the sad news to him that we didn't win. I'm drowning my sorrows with a Diet Coke, Tucker's tearing up a rawhide. We WILL pout. We're good at it! lol

    luv ya!

  12. ANON - Thanks! I can't believe that the names aren't on them.

    KELLY - Thanks so much for stopping by! I love to get comments from readers I don't normally hear from, but are loyal readers. THANK YOU for the info! I had not pulled the stickers off yet and not having names was annoying, lol!

    MRSKIWIYETI - Hey girl, did you read my response to the last comments you left? If you didn't go back and read it, it's too much for me to type again, but basically I have family in Wichita.

    Is Tucker a black pug? That was what I was wanting and ended up getting Dinky. Sorry Tucker! I will be getting back to my giveaways again soon and I have another one planned for next week, so tell Tucker to keep his little chin up!

  13. Haha~ I know how it is to break the no-buy. I told myself I'd be on one until May 16...and today I'm going out with a friend to shop! LOL

    And wow, the bottle on that Nicole NP does look like it melted XD

  14. haha you make me laugh ! You justify yourself like a girl who spent too much money ^^
    You indulged yourself and it's the main thing !

    Sally Hansen Beet Stain is so gorgeous !! *cries* I waa-aaa-aaant (sobbing) it ! damned France where we can't have beautiful polish like these ! :(
    (But we have croissants héhé !)

    WHOA! Nice haul! I see Target has a major clearance where you're at, too.

  16. ummmm jealousy!!!! where the heck is the clearance nailpolish located in target?!?!? someone please direct me!:P

  17. Awwww, now don't you feel guilty, missy; I dove off head first from the no buy wagon after just a few days... :D
    Great haul, totally justifies the guilty as charged verdict! ;)

  18. I have Bronze Beauty, and it's really pretty. Check the very front of the Rimmel polishes... at the bottom of the bottle. It's usually in really small print. You picked up some great polishes!!

  19. CHRISSY - Naughty girl!! lol - who am I to talk though!!

    CELINE - I will take my nail polish over some croisants, lol - unless I'm hungry that is! lol

    RAI - Yes indeedy!!

    KAREN - I found it right there in the makeup isle stuff at the bottom :0 good luck hunting your target!

    VANESSA - Maybe a little guilty!

    OLIVIA C - Thank you for the info :)
