Tuesday, February 22, 2011


How sweet is this baby Fat Meaty? Don't you just want to squeeze her fat little tummy?

LMAO at Nanner's pose!! Doesn't it look like one of those old Sears family portrait poses?

Nanner likes the babies warm bed and has taken it over!

Super enhance on his little facial expression I caught on camera! I love this silly boy!

Now for a bit of sad news :( This little boy is no longer with us, he went to live in his new house. Luckily he just went to live with my BF's sister so I will still be able to see him on a regular basis. Plus she lives on a few miles away, so he is close. They named him Boss Dog :) It was still really hard being without him and Fat Meaty cried that first night, it was really sad. The picture above makes me think of an egg with that yellow blanket and him all white and snuggled in the middle.

I know several of you had wanted to know if I was planning on keeping the puppies and I wasn't ignoring the question, I just didn't know yet what we were going to do. We are keeping Fat Meaty.

And lastly here is a picture of Little going hard! I love my kiddly wink, he is the best! :)


  1. An entire post of total cuteness. LOVE IT

  2. This is all so cute! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thanks for sharing Brooke, I always like to see how everybody's doing :)
    Little is growing up so much! Such a handsome man :)

  4. Oh those little doggies are so cute! Your little boy is adorable
    Stacie xoxox

  5. Oh those pups are adorable!! Your little boy is cute, too. Looks like he's a big baller. LOL

  6. whoa, i got extremely nervous when you said the other puppy was "no longer with us"! ha!

  7. Will Dinky be having any more babies? :)

  8. gorgeous puppies!

    when i read that the boy "is no longer with us" i thought he's dead...

    ...i'm glad he's alive :)

  9. They are adorable and Nanner's cracks me up. The top picture totally is the same look our Gizmo gives me sometimes. I love this picture.

  10. Doesn't Little look so wicked cool! The hat is so fashionable. He's such a handsome guy. Be prepared for tons of girls banging down his door! What a sweetie he is. Ahhh! Those adorable puppies. At least you've kept the puppy in the family.

  11. Oh! I thought the same thing that SkyStreet and Paulina did- I'm SO glad he's okay- little mister Boss Dog!
    Those pictures are all so squeeeeee!
    That Nanners iz a real character, fur shur!

    Can't wait to see the nail polish room!
