Friday, February 18, 2011


Hey girls! Wow - it's been crrrrrazy! We had a ton of snow hits us a couple of weeks in a row. I wasn't able to even get out and get to work for several days and then to top it all off I got the flu in the middle of all that! I'm telling you all it was the sickest I have been in a loooong time. I've spent the last week getting caught up at work.

I have a super exciting thing I'm working on for my nail polish room that I can't wait to show you all. Hopefully it will be finished this weekend ( keeping fingers crossed!). I also have a cool contest coming up to name my nail polish room and the prize is nothing short of AMAZING! I will give you a hint - the city that never sleeps . . . . :)

Hope you guys have a great weekend and I should be back to my regular posting this Monday :)

Just for fun, a song that I have been jamming to:


  1. Ahahaha, I loved the song and the clip! :D

  2. I was just thinking about you the other day because I was craving that awesome bread pudding. Glad to hear you're on the mend!

  3. It's great to hear from you. :)
    Check out that chick's spiked lips!!! Whoa!!!

  4. Hope your feeling much better. The flu really knocks you out for awhile. I get the flu shot every year. I haven't gotten the flu for years. I'm dead jealous of your nail room!

  5. Glad to hear you're okay!
    The flu is such an evil and unwelcome visitor. UGH.
    Envious of your nail polish room, though- it's so super cool!

    (And who do we talk to about all of this snow- will they take it back?)
