Thursday, December 23, 2010


OMG - imagine my surprise today when I rec'd a package from Godiva chocolates! I thought this must be a mistake, I couldn't think of anyone that would be sending me a box a chocolates. But as I opened up the package I found a little envelope with a note from none other than ZOYA!!

How awesome was that? This was certainly something that Zoya didn't have to do at all, especially for a little ol' blogger like myself, but it sure did give me a great feeling. It is so nice to be recognized as an important part of Zoya! I know I don't work FOR Zoya but I have worked with Zoya through my blog for product reviews, which really is nice enough. So THANK YOU ZOYA, this was really nice, generous and thoughtful.

*I wanted to post this to share with you all what a wonderful company Zoya is and what great customer service they have!


  1. Lucky girl! Enjoy your treats and ZOYA you are seriously amazing!

  2. That's awesome! Zoya is a great company (great customer service and an awesome product).

  3. That's really nice of Zoya. Enjoy your chocolates. Have a very Merry Christmas.

  4. hi dear, so nice from them :) I hope you had a wonderful Xmas with enjoy & love & receive my best wishes for the next new year XD ^^
