Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Well I hope everyone had a great Christmas! Mine was good. I got lots of new nail polish I can't wait to try out - that Santa Claus sure does know my taste! It's almost as if I picked it out all by myself and stuck it in my own stocking. . . .

The puppies are doing good. No signs of eyes opening yet but they sure are getting big! Especially the little white female. She is like doubled in size and is double the size of the little boy.

Can you see the size difference in the two??

I have named her "FAT MEATIES". Fat meaties is what I usually call the back sides of doggy legs, the really squishy part of their upper thigh - well she is just a big ball of squishy fat meat so that's what I'm calling her! lol - I don't have normal names for my animals...

He was sort of hidden this morning so I couldn't get a really good picture of him. I haven't come up with a name for him yet, I'm still working on it.

How was everyone's Christmas? Anyone get any cool nail polish related goods that they want to share with us? Would love to hear about them in the comments section :)


  1. LMAO at Fat Meaties OMG.
    Merry Christmas. They are all so very cute.

  2. OMG!!!! I want the little boy one he is the cutest thing ever!!!!

  3. wow so cute, heres a name for him Boy-lol. happy holidays to you as well.

  4. I was hoping to get a puppy but maybe next year. I did get some China Glaze Matte Magic, 2 Claire's Mood polishes and several new Konad/fauxnad plates to play with. The puppies are so cute - congrats to you and Dinky!

  5. my family refused to get me any more polish lol. I ended up going out on the 26th and got all the polish I had hoped to receive on Christmas that didn't get! I just posted them up on my blog if you'd like to see my goodies ;)

  6. So so so cute! Glad things are going well for you! Would love to meet up for a drink sometime soon.

  7. I hauled Dear Laura pa polishes, LA Splash and some Sinfuls off cherryculture, and my most excited purchase EVAH, Estessimo TiNS from Singapore!! I got the first two hauls today and the TiNS should be here in two weeks or less. CANNOT wait. Merry Nail Polish Xmas to me! :)

    I'm so glad you are back! I love your blog. And the Dinky baby updates are awesome. Dinky is practically my hero.

  8. Look how big the female got. How sweet are they both. I bought my own polish. Lots of it from TransDesign.

  9. d'awwwwwwww
    theyre losing their alien attributes haha. so cute xD

  10. She IS Fat Meaties! V. cute- LOL- LOVE it!
    And he is such a cute little Twinkle with adorable Mom Dinky looking after him. Gosh they are cute. What a fabulous Christmas "gift" Dinky managed!
    Super duper cute! I've rescued all of my dogs, and they've all been grown when I got them- so I'm really enjoying this vicarious puppyhood! You can post as many pix as you want and I won't get tired of them- EVAH! Thank you, and Happy New Year!

  11. Ooh, and I got Paradoxal (which is not as shimmery on the nail as I hoped it would be), and Zulu (which is AWESOME-TASTIC) for Christmas from my Mom, which shocked the stuffing out of me! (she must have had help from my husband!!!) Thanks Mom and hubby!

  12. So cute!! love the babies,I can't see the difference,but they look so adorable.
    Happy new year!
