Friday, December 17, 2010


Good morning gals! Today I'm showing you Orly's Meet Me Under the Mistletoe. I picked this up the other day when I went into Sally's for like the first time in TWO MONTHS!!! Can you believe that it had been so long? Anyway I met a great girl that works there who actually remembered me from being in before and always buying nail polish. I slipped her one of my handy Blog business cards and she actually knew my blog! How cool was that? So Jules if you are reading this...HI and it was great meeting you! And PLEASE, what happens at Sally's stays at Sally's OK?

Ok, so on to the color. I really wanted to be wowed by this, but I was really kind of underwhelmed with how it looked on my nails. There wasn't anything wrong with it, it was just kind of flat. It looks so awesome and flaky and glittery in the bottle but on the nails wah wah waaaah. After yesterday I was ready to take it off. I think it just needed a little something extra like a nice big helping of some peridot green glitter, that would really kick this one up a notch.

It also bothers me just slightly that the font is two different sizes on the label. I know it was too long of a name to fit on one row, but why make THE MISTLETOE so much bigger like it was more important than "meet me under". Did that bother anyone else?

FUN FACT: Mistletoe is Oklahoma's state flower


  1. I also LIKED it, but didn't LOVE it. I think we are rather critical of any new greens, we want them all to be fabulous!

  2. so far your photos of this polish have been my fave :)

  3. DANIELLE - OMG, thank you! I took a ton of pictures and I'm not quite comfortable with my new camera yet, so I appreciate your comment quite a bit!

  4. Very pretty! Okay, now I have to go change my polish to that one. How's Dinky feeling?

  5. DESERTNAILS8 - Dinky is feeling fine, I'm the anxious one! lol

  6. I love this polish. Your photos are fantastic. Nice glittery close-ups!

  7. Your photos are great! I didn't really want this polish until I saw your swatches. I think it looks lovely!

  8. And, I LOVE this green. It's super complex and perfect for the Holiday season. 'Joyment!!!'

  9. So pretty! I have to get this one!

  10. I've seen this color swatched on other sites and I thought "Meh"...
    But after seeing your pix, I really, REALLY think that I need to have this.
    Your swatches seem to have the most natural lighting, so I think that your representation of the color is the truest. Thank you!
