Tuesday, December 14, 2010


First - no she hasn't had the babies yet, dang it!! lol I have been bringing her with me to work everyday to keep an eye on her for signs that she is going into labor. She has a comfy little bed I made her out of a box that has blankies and toys and a pet bed warmer in it. As you can see from the pictures, she is pretty content with it. So no baby news yet, but you can bes' believe as soon as I know something I will let you all know.

Even pregnant - she still has her America's top dog model going on!!

I have been super busy making tons of Christmas candy too! Me and Little were in the kitchen a good 2 hours making coconut bon bons, chocolate covered peanut butter balls, peanut clusters, toffee, peanut brittle and thin mint cookies. He was really an awesome helper!

These were the thin mint cookies and they were soooo easy to make and soooo good that I wanted to share the recipe with you all.

Andes Mints
Ritz crackers

Melt your Andes mints, dip and totally cover your Ritz cracker, move to a cooling rack or baking sheet lined with wax paper, add sprinkles.

These cookies are to die for! I promise you can't tell it is a cracker at all, they taste awesome.

Lastly, in the middle of Christmas candy and Baby watch 2010 I agreed to make 24 cupcakes for a lady's son's party, so yeah, I've been a little bit busy as of late. I hope to at least get one or two nail related posts up this week, but I can't promise anything.

Hope everyone is having a great week :)


  1. YUM! I love chocolate mint. And ESPECIALLY Andee's mints because they remind me of my grandparents. I hope Dink has her pups soon!

  2. Awwww se's so cute! <3 Can't wait to see her babies! <3

  3. Dink is so cute. Can't wait to see puppy pictures :-D

  4. Aw, I didn't know she was having babies, how cute!

  5. Oh my God - could she get any cuter! Who cares about the nail posts - I want to see puppy pictures!

  6. Aww, Dinky...Bless her little heart. I was so excited when I so your post title...then...played. Lol.
    Those chocolate Ritz cookies look and sound terrific. Think me and my daughter will try them. Thanks for the recipe.

  7. Aw, such a cute little belly!

    I love thin mint cookies. That is a recipe I will have to try!

  8. WOO baking! yum-yum! Love your cooking page.

    OMGosh. dinky is so beautiful with her little belly full of puppy-goodness. Chuthulu will aid her...?

  9. We don't need nail posts. puppy posts will satisfy me completely :)

  10. Awww cant wait to see pics of Dinkys puppies! And I am going to have to make those cookies this weekend they look YUMMY! :)

  11. do you already have homes lined up for the puppies?

  12. I think I just nearly passed out from Dinky cuteness overload!

  13. Awwwww! I want to just squish her so much. And those cookies look divine!

  14. Dinky looks so sweet laying there all cuddled up. Nice that you can bring your dog to the office. The cookies look yummy. Your crazy making cupcakes also! Good thing you have your great help Little. (((hugs)))

  15. OMG! She is SO CUTE! This is why I can't go to animal shelters. I come home with a new family member every time. I hope she has an easy labor- and she's got a great human momma looking out for her!
    This made my day! Thanks for the great post!

  16. Seriously! Look at that adorable little face! Don't you want to just snorfle her little noggin'?

  17. Those choco Ritz look delicious!! Thanks for sharing! Dinky looks so adorable!! I hope she has an easy delivery and her and Bananas are good puppy parents! Can't wait to see pictures :o)

  18. OMG shes the cutest thing ever! She looks like my Chihuahua named Chiki =D

  19. Dinky looks so peaceful and adorable like that I want to cuddle with her!

  20. My daughter and I keep waiting until she has her pups. You have the cutest dogs ever. :)

  21. Tried the cookies with the mints and they are so yummy and super easy to make! thanks ^_^
