Wednesday, May 12, 2010


My huge Dollar Tree haul happened while out of town for the Strawberry Fest. We were within 20 miles of the Arkansas border and Ft. Smith - so we decided to try and hit up a few before heading back to Oklahoma City. We stopped at one that didn't have much and when I asked if there were any others in town I was informed of a "race track" Dollar Tree. I have never heard of "race track" DT's and they told me that it means that the store is huge. Have you all ever heard of such a thing?

Huge it was! It was in a building about the size of a grocery store. I went straight for the nail polish and this is what I found: (click images to see detail)

I turned and called for a basket STAT!!! All of this glorious polish just waiting for me to snag! There was an old lady that was breathing down the back of my neck - I think she was just drawn by the frenzy I was creating. I bet she was disappointed when I finally moved out of the way and she realized it was just some old bottles of nail polish! Ha ha - serves her right for treading on my territory! lol The top 3 rows were out of my reach so i called for backup! A SA brought a ladder over and we tackled the last couple bottles.

So thanks Fort Smith, AR - thanks for everything!!





This didn't seem very matte to me, so I tried a coat of Matte Magic over it, not much difference, but a little.


  1. I'm loving the olive green! And these Maybelline mattes, they are not new right? ^^ Or are they?

  2. I miss having any kind of dollar stores around. I think the one that we had when I was living in NY was called Amazing Savings and they always had such an amazing sellection of Maybelline polishes. In Finland we don't even have many dollar tree kind of stores and the ones that we have do not sell nail polish :(

  3. THE GREEN FAIRY - These polishes are all discontinued.

  4. Woo Hoo!! What a score!! I have never heard of a race track DT either. Although I do have a big DT in my area.

  5. I never think of checking out the dollar stores. My DH thanks you. LOL

  6. Oooh, the first 2 are lovely :-) We have nothing this good in the

  7. OOoooh I love matte gold, grey and olive!!!!! I don't think I have a Dollar Tree around here, sadly....

  8. I like the olive best. I think we should start a store with only disc. nail polishes. Worldwide, of course!

  9. Hahaha, you're too funny, Brooke. I have never found a Dollar Tree that has that much polish. Actually, I have only ever found one Dollar Tree that had any polish. The ones in this area just aren't conducive to hauls of insanity. Sadly. I'm so jealous.


  10. I'm SOOO in love with the Olive!! And I'm realizing why...I don't a single bottle of this fantastic color!

  11. Awesome.
    I got lucky and found a ton of maybelline mattes too :)

  12. oh my goodness- this is awesome! I hope i find goodies like this when I hit up the USA dollar stores polish hunting this summer

  13. awesome haul! i love your haul posts, they actually get me excited! I cant wait till July when I'm in the states and check out a dollartree :)

  14. Nail polish junkie heaven. =D

  15. Oooh, the jealousy is eating me alive.
    My dollar tree has no nail polish. NONE! *cries*

  16. that's cool. my dollar usually only carries pink which is my favorite color but it doesn't give me much to choose from.

  17. Ooh, those first three mattes are really nice. It's amazing that Maybelline did them before the recent matte trend hit, huh?

  18. OMG!!! I would have pushed that old lady the hell away from my frenzy. lol...what a corner. Jiminy!

  19. I love all of these! Matte stone looks amazing, even if it's not all that matte--I like the texture of it.

  20. I know how you feel about that lady on your back. I swear every time I get in the DT, somebody comes and stands behind me or mills around while I'm looking. Geeze! But these are very pretty polishes!

  21. Love the Matte Olive and Stone. There's always someone trying to grab up something your looking at.
