Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Ok first things first - the bottle pictured is the nail polish I used, but look how much darker it got once I put top coat on it!

Second - I FINALLY got a purple to photograph the correct shade - wooooot! After following some of the camera tips I posted a few weeks back I was able to get this to show pretty accurate.

Third - I used a Bundle Monster plate for this. Obviously when I planned this mani last night I didn't think the base coat was going to end up as dark, so my kissey lips aren't standing out nearly as much as I would have liked, but I sill like this!


  1. oooo cute! i can't wait to get my bundle!

  2. OMG I love that design, its fab. Might have to hunt these plates down now ;)

  3. c.lette - The same concept as Konad but the plates came from Bundle Monster. I did a post on it today with a link, a few posts back. You get 21 plates shipped for $17.99!!

  4. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmwha right back at you!

  5. I think I need the bundle! I love that kissy lips design!!!

  6. This looks amazing! I love the lips! Kisses!

  7. Wow, that is a seriously drastic color change...

    Still looks nice, though.

  8. Wow! There's a big difference between application and bottle. But I really like the end result - almost grape jelly-ish. Cute little kissy lips.

  9. Sexy kissy lips.I love this design.It reminds me of dabbing lipstick on a tissue to make my own kleenex mark,lol! WHich polish did you use to stamp it?

  10. wow I just love the lips it looks great!

  11. Love that shade of purple. Congrats on getting the shade to show up correctly. Shame that the lips aren't showing up as bright as expected. Love the design.

  12. Wow!! I am so jealous right now i want that mani! I love the colours and the stamp and everything!

  13. so cute!! My plates are on the way!! i love the color combo even though you were going for a lighter base, anything with glitter kicks ass.

    What color did you use for the lips, you would think that glitter would have a hard time stamping, any tips?

  14. I just ordered the plates today too! Crazy! I haven't even used all my Konad plates yet. But Bundle Monster is too good a deal to pass up!
