Thursday, March 11, 2010


Here is my NOTD. You guys know all about cameras hating purple, right? Well instead of trying to get you to imagine what the color is, I found a picture of a shoe that is close to the actual color of my nail polish, so please imagine that color while looking through the pics. When I showed my nails to the BF last night, even he said how awesome this shade of purple was.

For the base I used Klean Color - Neon Purple. I noticed that this polish does something really amazing! It dries to this darker purple shade, but as soon as you put top coat on it - the color comes to life!! It turns lighter and brighter and takes on a neon shade of purple. I don't know what the top coat does to make this happen, but it does! I tried to take some pics to show you, but it was a little hard since the colors are not coming off just right. I did go ahead and post the pic though - it will be at the end of this post.

I thought a gold konad would look awesome with this color and make for a royal looking konad. However, once again this polish played tricks on me. As the gold stamping started to dry it took on a pink tint to it, but not on every nail and not throughout the whole design. If you look at the picture below you can the see the pink tint on the middle nail really well, while my index finger is still very visibly gold.

SO since it turned pink, and I thought it needed a little jazzing up a bit, I added pink glitters one by one along the thicker lines of the stamp. This looks really awesome in person, so flashy! I really prefer using these little glitters - they are cheaper, they don't stand up like jewels and they remove very easy. And I think they flash just as much as using regular jewels. If you haven't tried them, I think you should.


My index and ring finger have top coat applied, the middle and pinky have no top coat, see how much darker they are?


  1. WOW! :O It sounds AND looks like magic!!! Gorgeous!

  2. I love that nail art. so pretty! =]

  3. What and interesting polish. The bottom two photos show the colour closer to the purple shoe you posted above. The nail art pics look more blue.

  4. SKULDA - The bottom two pics were taken under different lighting, and at night. The rest of the pics I took today in daylight and under flourescent bulbs. So that is why they look so different.

  5. Hooo... brooke thanks for the swatch now i need to buy that nail polish btw i love purple and i can belive that is from klean color that brand is so cheap yehaaa... Thanks xoxoxo

  6. Interesting! You has the purdiest nails, lady.

  7. WOW, yanno I've passed this color up a million times thinking I have enough purples, but it looks so good on you! I may just have to pick this one up.

  8. That's strange how the polish changes with a topcoat. Gorgeous color with that pink shimmer. Love the nail art also.

  9. Ollie is not your son? The caption under the oogle ollie photo confuses me. haha

  10. ARRIANNE - No, Ollies is my sisters son, he's my nephew.
