Thursday, March 11, 2010


I was given some samples that I wanted to share my experience with you. They are little purse size anti bacterial hand gels that are scented. When I first got them I was impressed with how cool they looked. I love the suspended blue balls in the colored gels, it just looked so pretty.

The next thing I liked was the small size. Perfect to keep in your car, purse or at your desk at work.

Click image to enlarge for better reading.

The third thing I noticed was their awesome scents! They really smell wonderful! I let a coworker who is a HUGE anti bacterial / hand sanitizer lover pick one out. She immediately tried it and loved the way it smelled. She also commented on how soft her hands felt afterward.

I picked out Nectarine Mint to use. I wasn't for sure about that combo until I smelled it. I really loved the smell of this one. I squirted a small amount in the palm of my hand.

That little amount you see if all I needed for both hands. Indeed, after using it my hands felt soft too. I was expecting them to feel dried out, but they didn't. The smell is fantastic and filled the air in our office with a nice light scent. Even 20 minutes later I smell my hands and the nice scent is still there and at $1.50 each they are very affordable.


  1. What happens to the blue jelly?

  2. It just disappears as you rub it into your hands.

  3. These look so nice. I wonder if your hands would get dry after using it for a while.
    And only 1.5 USD for a bottle? You can't get chewing gum for 1.5 USD in EU.

  4. When I was cleaning my room I found 10 of these little guys :P I love Nectarine Mint and Cucumber Melon sooooo much.

  5. I love these! I picked one up over the holidays and the scent is pretty strong, which is great if you pick a scent you love!

  6. I work at BBW & people are crazy for these. A month or so ago, we came out with holders for the little hand gels:

    The holder makes it convenient because you don't have to dig in your purse to find it. You can just hang it on your key chain, purse, or even the belt hoop of your jeans if you know you'll be needing it a lot throughout the day!

  7. That's nice that they soften your hands besides cleaning them. Some of these really dry out your hands and just smell like alchol. I'll have to keep these in mind when I need them.

  8. i work at a b&bw also, and they are usually for a 5 for $5 deal so they come out to $1 a piece! plus the sling (holder) for them is only .50! My personal faves are the new Orange Sapphire and Fresh lemon. They are coming out with some new "kid" ones. A strawberry, Green apple, and grape. I already smelled them and they are super yummy! If you do tend to have dry hands they have the antibacterial in a lotion form that doesnt need water. Not to mention the spray one they are coming out with in April! This company is rolling out new smell goods :D

  9. My microbiology class did an experiment a couple years ago where we grew germ cultures then used different hand sanitizers to see which killed more. The bath and body works hand sanitizer worked best (even better than Purell). They smell so yummy too!
