Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Last night I was in a swatching mood so I decided to pull down a few boxes of nail polish and pick some out to swatch. You might remember that I recently started keeping my nail polish by color, so I pulled down PINK, GREEN and BLUE boxes to pick from. I didn't even realize until after I picked out several bottles that the majority of what I had was cheaper drug store brands. After swatching them, I really wanted to stress to you all just how great some of these brands really are. Most of the ones I am showing you cost me $2 or less for each bottle!! So next time you are at your local dollar store or drug store, don't just pass by those cheap brands. Get one and give it a try, you just might be surprised that really nice nail polish doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg.

This first post will highlight the PINK nail polishes I picked out.


Sinful Colors usually gets ripped about being streaky and thin. And that is true for some polishes (but I think that goes for all brands too), but not all of Sinful Color's polishes streaky. I used three coats for each, which is what I consider normal.

Sinful Colors retail for $1.99 at Walgreens.


Just to jazz it up a little bit, I used LOVE MY NAILS in Dazzling.Love My Nails I believe are $1.97 and can be found at Walmart.

(As a side note, their tag line of "For that deep, wet look" has to be some MALE marketing there.)


For this one, I chose to use a Nabi - Milky Glitter. I purchased my Nabi's from a flea market in Las Vegas for $1.00 each. I have really been pretty impressed with Nabi brand and they have some really nice, unique colors as well as a ton of glitters to choose from. This particular glitter polish I used was really easy to apply. I didn't have any problems that cheaper glitters sometimes have of not applying well. I did not have to fish the glitter out or apply it any different way for this to show up on my nail. Very nice Nabi, very nice. Milky Glitter has two types of glitter in it, THREE different sized round glitter and small bar glitter.


To top this one off I picked a Misa. Now this isn't a cheap, drug store brand, but like I said, MOST of the ones I picked out were. Misa is a really nice brand of polish. Every time I use one, I want to get more of them. Not only do I just ADORE the bottle shape, the polish is really, really nice. I used Candy Girl to top this off. I loved how girly this was.

Stay tuned for my GREEN and BLUE posts coming up!


  1. I love the layering! I am checking out nabi right now. Thanks for the link, I don't own any...YET!

  2. Ohhh I think I love all three of those pinks... I need to make a Walgreens run!

  3. Hi! Thanks for the swatches.. do you do anything extra to make the color look so nice and shiny, or is it just three layers of the polish?

  4. Those Sinful polishes look really pretty. I really like Scandal!

    That Misa polish is very nice too, give a lovely finish to the other colour

  5. KITTY - What is shown is just three coats of the polish with NO top coat. At the time the pictures were taken the polish was still a little wet, which helps with the shine. Of course, any top coat will keep them looking shiny though.

  6. Beautiful pinks on you. I'm so glad I have all three Sinful Colors! Beautiful Girl is my favorite. I have tons of glitters so I'm not worried about matching these glitters. Have a Happy New Year Brooke!

  7. Nice summer colors!
    Wish our drugstore sold these...

  8. Gorgeous pix. You are so lucky to have all these polishes! In the UK we have so little to choose from!

  9. Gorgeous! your pics are stellar! Raising the bar! I just started using SHQ (super high quality) in the supermacro mode. You rock! I don't sleep on those cheap brands. & yes, 3 coats is normal for me. Thanks so much for sharing!

  10. Beautiful swatches. I'll have to check those out the next time I'm in Walgreens.

  11. Beautiful pinks <3
    I wish we could get those over here.

  12. 3 coats? I more like a 2 coat gal. LOL

    Nabi looks nice, i might have to try them out sometime.

    I have Misa Candy Girl. It is such a beautiful layering polish. I am craving more Misas as we well!

  13. God your nails look so perfect. Props. Mad props.

  14. 1XELLUS1 - Thank you so much!! I really appreciate that.

    STEPHANIE - Thanks. Mad thanks :)

  15. Those are gorgeous, I love all of those glitters too!

  16. oooo all those sinful color pinks looks awesome...I just have glitters from them so far but I'll have to remember these three!

  17. This is a great series, Brooke! You know I love a good drugstore polish and I'm a huge SC girl, haha, but I don't have a lot of their pinks, so this was helpful to me!

  18. Those sinful polishes look great! Most of the ones I have are the glitters for layering. I also have Daddy's girl. I will def think twice before walking by the Sinful display again :)

  19. All the colors look amazing! Definitely check them out next time I go to Walgreens.

  20. I really like this post! I heart pinks and such cheap, adorable ones at that!
