Wednesday, December 30, 2009


In continuing with my swatching of lesser hyped, cheaper nail polishes, I am showing you the ones I pulled out of my blue box (well ONE of my blue boxes, lol).

I also wanted to be a little more clear about my 3 coats of nail polish policy. Three coats is what I consider normal for full nail polish coverage. I used to do two coats tops, if I had to do three it was literally a pain in my ass. However, there are a couple of things that have changed my policy. First off, the discovery of Seche. Since Seche cuts down drying to basically nothing, putting on three coats of nail polish is nothing to me any more. The second factor in changing my policy is macro setting, lol. Since taking pictures of my nails and posting them HUGE, I find that I like three coats much better than two.

My policy breaks down like this:
(And I am totally cracking up that I have a nail polish policy, lol!)

ONE COAT - A miracle polish.
TWO COATS - I'm singing the polishes praises
THREE COATS - What I expect from a polish to have full coverage.
FOUR COATS - It better be something special.
FIVE COATS - Get outta here!


I was at first worried that this was going to turn out to be one of the dreaded sheer, streaky ones, but it isn't. This is three coats and it was too pretty on it's own to even add anything else on top of it.


Again, this isn't a drug store brand, but it is one that caught my eye. I remember when I ordered this polish and I took it out of the box, I thought to myself "why did I order this?". All that changed as soon as I put it on. This color is just perfection!

I call this Blue Over a Hottie Boy, lol. How awesome is this? Even those of you who don't like blue nail polish (MOM!) have to admit that this is just beautiful. This needs to be a summer matching mani pedi, no?


This one was a little bit on the sheer side. It also does that weird thing where it doesn't want to cover the very tips of my nails. But I think the color is worth it. This was four coats, but such an awesome color.

I have one more post in this series, my GREENS. I should have it up in a few hours.


  1. WTF, Pink Diamond? Umm, was whoever named that polish colorblind LOL?

  2. COLETTE - I was thinking the same thing! I give up with these NP companies and their lack of naming skills!

  3. Nice post, I love blues.

    I think you're right, most colors can use that 3rd coat. I am usually too lazy for it though! LOL

  4. Midnight blue is making me drool!

  5. Pink diamond is such an interesting color. I wonder if layering it would work.

  6. I have pretty much the same policy as you do when it comes to polish.

    And these all all so pretty!

  7. Again very nice polishes you've picked out! The Misa one is a gorgeous blue

  8. Amen to the 3 coats policy! Loving Hottie!

  9. OMG, my jaw just dropped at how gorgeous that Misa blue is! I want it now! lol

  10. oh. Midnight Blue made my heart skip a beat! It's so pretty! (And I don't even like blue.... lol!)

  11. Loving the polish policy and mostly agree although I'm always a tiny bit disappointed if I have to do 3 coats.

  12. Your policies are pretty right on! Love those blues. The Misa is my favorite also. Sinful Colors have some terrific shades. I have to check to see if I have these. I hope so.

  13. omg, I knew it was gonna be awesome on you :D
