Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Yes, the Maybelline Madness continues today! Today I am going to show you the duo-chromes that I picked up at the Dollar Tree. Even though some of the bottles show stickers from other places, these really did come from the DT. I guess DT didn't want to waste time trying to remove the stickers from the previous stores that had them.

I think these are all show stoppers! On all of these I did the first two fingers in just the nail polish and on the second two fingers I did a base coat of black nail polish. Over black is where I think these babies really score big points. I swear my nails looked like they were glowing! GLOWING, I say ladies! Doing these over black really brought out what ever duo-chrome color the nail polish flashed. I really tried to capture the awesome glowing factor in these and I did to a point, but nothing beats seeing these things in real life! Everyone I did, I said to myself, ohhhhh, that's the color I'm paint on my nails when I get done doing these swatches! :)

Enjoy - but be warned, this is another very pic heavy post!

This flashes a very strong purple/gold/green color. Pretty cool looking!

This has a strong blue/green flash! My nails were totally glowing at this point!

This one was one of my faves! It has a strong blue/purple flash to it, and of course more glowing action.

This is more subdued, but still really pretty. This has kind of a mauve copper shine to it. Not as glowy as the two above, but still pretty amazing over black.

This one is pretty awesome! This has a strong, strong flash of green! This looked like flashy, glowy emeralds over black. Totally awesome!

Tomorow, I will have my last Maybelline post up for you all. Nothing special about the colors tomorrow, just a coupel that I wanted to try out!


  1. I remember wanting these back in the day! I bought one with allowance, which shows you how young I am, lol.

  2. wowzers, they are pretty but man over black it's a whole new polish! that pearly glitter one was a shocker lol.

  3. Wow, these are really cool!!! Thank you for swatching these!

  4. Have to say that Vanishing Venus is my favorite of this lot! But those others - painting them over black base was genius, it really bumped them up! Especially Prismetal Purple and Opal Rush!

  5. Well hello Vanishing Venus. Wow. Amazing!

    I can't believe how the pink turned blue as well - I was looking at it for ages trying to figure out what was going on!

  6. I love Vanishing Venus on its own and Opal Rush and Lilac Lightening over black are so glowy and awesome! Thanks for the post.

  7. I love duochromes, but I'm having a hard time catching the duochrome finish in these polishes. =/

  8. Um..I feel awful saying this, I do truly! I love your blog Brooke, I've been a reader for quite some time but the reason Alexlyndra why you cannot capture the duochrome is because they are not duochromes at all. They are just very very strong shimmers. In order to be duochromes, they would have to flash completely different colors at different angles, and sadly, these polishes do not. Sorry Brooke I really feel awful correcting you!

  9. I hope i can find these when I visit The Dollar Trees in the U.S.

    They are all beautiful especially over black!

  10. OMG that is amazing! I knew about duo chrome eyeshadows but never with polishes! I have a lot of those then! I need to try them out next time!

  11. ooo I really like that deep redish color!

  12. I thought I saw all the Maybellines! Apparently not. They are very pretty. Nice haul of pretty polishes.
