Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Yes, as most of you saw, I DID get the new Orly Prince Charming. I was really worried I wasn't going to like it, since I wasn't a fan of You Don't Know Jacques. So my original plan last night was just to swatch it. Plans changed after I put it on, I really liked it! So I decided to paint the rest of my nails with it and keep it for my NOTD.

I am curious why they decided on the name Prince Charming for a brown though. I think of deep, rich colors when I think of royalty - but any way. This is such a nice color, I really wanted to do some gold accents on it, but I really wasn't up to it after I got done doing my sister's nails and mine. I might add something to it tonight for a post tomorrow.

As a side note: Kae and Helen, please refrain from wanting to stick my fingers in your mouth- it only LOOKS like chocolate!! :)

Did Little get into my nail polish???????


  1. lol Brooke, man you totally crushed my plans before it even began. That looks soooo good on you! (not in the edible good way ok?) I must have this myself!

  2. Ohhh no I'm not a nibbler - I leave that to my good friend Kae!

    It's such a gorgeous polish. I believe the lovely Mary has put one by for me for our next swap :)

    I think it would look great with gold too.

  3. I really liked this one. I used it last week and was very impressed with the application. Helen, you will love it :) It looks so pretty on you Brooke, lovely nails. Adorable Little, too!

  4. Oh, how cute! LOL!
    And your polish looks amazing. I actually liked YDKJ on me, but I think I like this even better! Really gorgeous :)

  5. What a gorgeous colour! Looks very yummy! I think I'm going to get this one! :)

  6. That is a gorgeous chocolately color on you. Looks like you stirred a pot of hot chocolate. Your nails are looking fabulous! Gold with a Konad would really be beautiful. Is that a recent photo of Little? I'm glad his fat lip went down. I kept thinking of his poor face. Must've hurt bad. He's a brave boy though. Looking so handsome with the chocolate all over his face! Cute.

  7. I really like this color.

    LOL @ little face's... looks like he got into something for sure.
