Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Old drapes or carpet is what my NOTD reminds me of. Not saying that that is a bad thing, because I really like this. I love the way the colors look together and how nicely defined the details of the konad stamp came out. I thought about maybe adding some jewels to the center of the flowers, but I think I like it better kept simple.

I went off this morning and forgot to grab the nail polishes that I used last night, so I have no pics of them or the names. I will def. update that info tomorrow for any that is interested. I do know the base color was a Nubar from the Vineyard collection and the stamp color is a NYC foil.

I love this so much I **almost** want to wear this another day! I might switch up the colors though. :)


  1. That's gorgeous. You should wear it another day, its too pretty not to!

  2. this is g0rjuzzzzzzzz
    i love the colour combo and the konad
    and ur nails look fantastic

  3. Ooooh, Brooke that is absolutely GORGEOUS! It does look like old drapes! LOL but it looks so freaking cool on your fingers.

  4. Is that a foil polish for the stamp? I think the foily ones look so classy I keep saying I need to get one for myself lol. Love it, great colors!

  5. I think that is beautiful. I have Konad envy once again! I'd definitely wear this - so glamorous.

  6. I have Konad envy again like Helen! They do look like old drapes from a very old Grandmother's house. A very grande dame type of woman. Your nails do look gorgeous and I would wear it as long as I could. Love Dinky's new picture. She's looking so cute. How she holding up in the heat?

  7. Wow I agree that came out so detailed and nice!! It does kinda remind me of old drapes too. :) WOuld be interesting to see in another color combination.

    I love this design - it's perfect! I'd love to know what polish you used, excellent choise of colors!

  9. OMG, I LOVE this! Just like Brocade material :D

  10. i love this manicure. if i knew you in real life, i would make you do my nails everyday :)

  11. I think this mani deserves a weeks' or more worth of wear. I like the colour combination and the stamping is beautiful. I agree with M - I'd make you do my nails too!

  12. I like these nails. I agree with Danielle, at least a week worth of wear. Very cute.

  13. omg i love this!
    i wonder what it would look like as just a french tip design
    i love the color scheme <3

  14. your title just makes me think of "does the carpet match the drapes?" haha!! i'm dirty... but the mani is super hott!!! you have inspired me

  15. Wow, I really love this! The colors look gorgeous together, and once again I have to tell you your nails are looking fabulous :).
    I still haven't tried this particular plate, you've inspired me to do so.

  16. This is a stunning look on you.
