Thursday, May 14, 2009


Today I rec'd my order from OC NAIL ART. Wanna know what I got????

These three plates for me:

I also got the two other plates I ordered for the Konad kit giveaway:

If you haven't entered into the Konad kit giveaway yet or don't know about it, CLICK HERE FOR ALL THE GIVEAWAY DETAILS.
Also don't forget about the awesome discount you can get at OC NAIL ART using my coupon code "GETCHA" at check out. That will get you 20% off your entire order!
Plus, free shipping on all orders of $20 or more (After discount applied) - including international orders!


  1. I've been stalking that post. I REALLLLYYYYY want to win the prize but the competition is wow...

    I really want to see how you use the pineapple...

  2. M38's bows are so cute !! The aloha too.
    I got M57, M60 and M55 (not tried this one yet), love designs !

  3. i had just been looking at the fruit plate! ohh how i want it lol

  4. I can't wait to get the wine glass and maybe the grapes on the thumb. Maybe tonite?

  5. IBIS CARAIB - Only about another week until the winner is picked! Keep your fingers crossed!! :)

    CELINE - Thanks!

    NINA - I know, isn't that fruit plate just too cute!!

    MOM - I was going to call you today and let you know that your plates came in. Yes, I can do your nails tonight.

  6. I love the fruit plate; great for upcoming summer manis, huh?? :)

  7. VANESSA - Yes! Plus fruit I can get a little crazy with too on the extra's I like to add sometimes to my manis.

  8. Love the plates that you got. I can't wait to see what you are going to do with all that fruit. Also am curious about the use of the pineapple.
