Thursday, April 30, 2009


I've got another nail blog for all you nail fanatics out there:

EVERYTHING BUT THE FLYING MONKEYS - Lisa contacted me through email to let me know about her blog. Her blog is new, only 7 posts in and started just this month. Lisa is great at doing nail art and her posts reflect that. She also has a little puppy she might do posts on from time to time too, so you doggy lovers should check that out! Like I said Lisa is just starting out, so she is still working on the quality of her pictures and posts, but assures me that she is learning quick.

I really hope you all take a minute and welcome Lisa to Nail blogging and show her some support!


As always, if you have a nail blog that you would like for me to feature here, please contact me in the comment section of this post or shoot me an email to:


  1. Hi Brooke my name is Kitty and I have a new blog, It's Kittyluvscolor. I have a question I was hoping you might be able to help me. I'm trying to figure out how to get my "labels" to show on the left like you have it, but I can't figure out how to do this. Please Help Me! Thanks Kitty

  2. KITTYLUVSCOLOR - Sure, no problem!

    When you are in your blog click "customize" at the top.

    Then click on "Add a gadget"

    This will bring up the "basics" list. LABELS is a little over halfway down the list. Select "labels".

    If you need more help just let me know!
    I will check your blog out :)

  3. Thanks!!!! It worked, Your awesome! and your blog Rocks! Great interview by the way! -Kitty

  4. How kind of you :-) Thank you so much for showing us all those new blogs and for your support !

  5. Hi!

    I began a nail blog last month, take a look and tell me your opinion when you have time!


    (sorry for the english, I'm french so I don't speack fluently...)

  6. TULI and CHUPA - I will catch you guys next week to be featured, ok! Have a great weekend :)
